Most of these replies are all the same and some are quite ridiculous.
Slice the Pie - Most people think this is a slow scoped in movement and they would be wrong and would die most of the times they attempt it. Taking a quick peak of the interior helps you to visualize the room, reduce vulnerable angles and sometimes even spot the enemy. This is done quite fast and can be quite effective, without getting shot in the process. If you haven't noticed anything, you immediately make the breach... it doesn't even take a second to do this. If you do spot something you either breach while spraying the target area or you use a nade if you're any good at basketball
Throwing a Grenade - Are you gonna do this for every single room you encounter? Not unless you know there is enemy inside... and to know that you either need to get a visual or sound spot. After that, sure you can throw a grenade but 90% of the community will probably miss the window anyway... or if they do get it in, it will most likely only suppress the enemy since getting the grenade to fall right next to the enemy requires skill.
Run and Gun - The lamest of the players will probably run and prone-dive while spraying like crazy. Players with more fair play will enter and spray a target location without abusing lame game mechanics. If you know or can predict where the target is, start to shoot before you get a visual as to regain advantage.
Once in, do stick to the walls/corners! It limits your vulnerable angles and allows you to use crossfire without team-killing your mates.
I find it funny how people make fun of each-others more/less developed "tactics". Just because you "slice the pie" doesn't mean you're a strict milsim type of player and follow every single real tactic to the letter and just because you don't follow tactical guides doesn't mean you don't use some techniques that are probably in them. The best approach is always adaptability between the two options... some real life stuff works in PR, others don't and it is up to you to determine which are useful and adapt them if needed be.