Well I'm on my phone but I have a good idea for someone:
Chasing and trying to arrest civilian
Get ambushed by civilians and stoned to death.
Based on 3 times in a row on fallujah where I would chase a civilian and then either start circling eachover trying to hit eachover, getting ambushed by another civvie and getting stone to death or chasing one across a whole map after I was so angry that these civilians where walking around following me and putting there hands up so the snipers knew where i were.
assetruler69: I've seen things you smurfs wouldn't believe. Apaches on the Kashan. I watched burned down tank hulls after the launch of the single TOW. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
KaB wrote:Me... Can't count the moments I ran out of ammo during a tough close-range fight though. So now, I reload. But run out of f*cking magazine as well.
You manage to stay alive long enough to run out of ammo? *gasp*