Mumble keeps "kinda" disconnecting

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Mumble keeps "kinda" disconnecting

Post by FelipeFR »

My incursions into PR awesomeness are constantly being hampered by PR Mumble "kinda" disconnecting itself. When that "kinda" happens, which it does sporadically (as in every 30-90 or so seconds) I find myself unable to say something since when I press the radio/local speech/whatever keys, I do not hear the audio cue nor see the green/blue icon at the bottom of the speech. I have tested this with other squad members and they do not hear what I say while pressing the keys. I am also unable to hear whatever they tell me (regardless of if they are on the local, squad radio or any other channel). I don't even get noticed of it since the overlay with their names does not appear either, and needless to say I was negatively affected by that many times, losing important information and orders at crucial times. Also, I don't see the "disconnected" icon (the one with a red stripe over a white, greyed-out speaker icon), nor any messages in the PR Mumble window about it losing connection, being muted or anything, just a "[hh:mm:ss] Project Reality: BF2 lost link".

The weird thing is, if someone else is speaking and during that Mumble "kinda" disconnects, I can still see their name on the overlay, despite the fact that the rest of it stays frozen. And, most importantly, IT WORKS AGAIN if I alt-tab out of PR. If someone was talking while Mumble "kinda" disconnected, and I alt-tab a second later, I can still hear the from the Desktop. If I was holding down one of the radio keys, when I alt-tab I can hear the audio cue. And finally, when I alt-tab back into PR, it is working normally again, except that after a minute or so it fails again and I have to alt-tab out and into PR again and again.

I haven't tried much to solve this own my own, except trying to change the audio quality and audio per packet options in the Mumble configurations, to no effect.

So, any ideas?

EDIT: Also, I wasn't having this problem before v1.0, and I think it started a month ago, after another month on a clean, new Windows installation. I didn't change any hardware or Internet provider either.
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Re: Mumble keeps "kinda" disconnecting

Post by FelipeFR »

Hello, anyone?
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Re: Mumble keeps "kinda" disconnecting

Post by LITOralis.nMd »

Let's set up your PRMumble to use a proxy, to test where the problem is coming from:
jk241 wrote:Alright, so the problem was from the ISP, they have the ports for mumble blocked for some reason.

Here's how you can bypass it:

Open the BF2 :P R launcher> Open the options> PR Mumble> launch> Configure> Settings> Network

at the proxy options in the same page, change the proxy type to HTTP(S) proxy and use this host name and port: 8080

You don't need to set a username or password. But if you have any other proxy server you want to use, I guess that will work too but this is the one that I'm currently using and has been working so far.

I would like to thank everyone that pointed out the problem and tried to help us with it, You've been great :) .

Now I will see you (and talk to you) on the battlefield :D .
Test this, and report back.
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Re: Mumble keeps "kinda" disconnecting

Post by FelipeFR »

No, I'm unable to connect to the server whilst using the proxy. Maybe this has something to do with my location, I mean, can I use that same proxy as someone in the US? You see, what really bugs me is the fact that it goes back to normal when I alt-tab out of and back into PR. Sure, it is a workaround, but I'd prefer not having to do that.
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Re: Mumble keeps "kinda" disconnecting

Post by LITOralis.nMd »

This is generally a administrator privileges problem.

Do you log into Windows with an admin user account?
Do you start PRLauncher with admin privileges?

You can go to Battlefield 2 Complete Collection\mods\pr\bin\PRLAuncher.exe and right click->Properties->Compatibility->Always Run as Admin

You can go to Battlefield 2 Complete Collection\PRBF2.exe and right click->Properties->Compatibility->Always Run as Admin

You can go to Battlefield 2 Complete Collection\mods\pr\bin\PRMumble\PRMumble.exe and right click->Properties->Compatibility->Always Run as Admin

And one more thought, how much RAM do you have?
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Re: Mumble keeps "kinda" disconnecting

Post by Narrowlight »

I am having this exact same problem and I too had no problems with mumble before PR V1.0
My mumble goes back to normal when I alt-tab out of and back into PR. I have 3.25GB of ram but my thoughts are that this may be an internet connection speed issue as I know my connection bandwidth is poor but I will be updating to fibre optic shortly so I will post if this resolves the issue. But I would welcome any other help anyone may have.
My operating system is XP so its not a running as admin issue.
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Re: Mumble keeps "kinda" disconnecting

Post by mOsInNaGaNt »

Same problem. Alt-tabbing brings mumble back but then after a minute or two it goes away again and i have to alt-tab. I dont think this is a connection issue at all.. I have a pretty good connection and this happens to me on local and oversea servers.
I have the same specs as Narrowlight.

Also this problem started AFTER the latest update. All the previous ones my mumble worked.
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Re: Mumble keeps "kinda" disconnecting

Post by Narrowlight »

Well mOsInNaGaNt and FelipeFR looks like we are all having the same problem and unfortunately it seems to be one that as no solution as I have searched and searched, also no one seems to be coming forward with a resolution I was hoping there would have been another update to PR that would resolve the issue as like mOsInNaGaNt states its only since the last update that this as become a problem. Here's hoping as I have been an active PR player since day 1 and this is the first time its become unplayable. :sad:
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Re: Mumble keeps "kinda" disconnecting

Post by LITOralis.nMd »

I have read this topic, and honestly have no real certain answer to this.

It's almost certainly a audio input and or audio output EXCLUSIVITY setting,

EXCLUSIVITY setting allows a single program to take exclusive control of an audio device while the program is either active, or when not minimized, depending on the program's behavior.

We have
1. audio input and or audio output EXCLUSIVITY setting in PRBF2.exe
2. audio input and or audio output EXCLUSIVITY setting in PRMumble.exe
3. audio input and or audio output EXCLUSIVITY setting in Windows Sound controls, both for input and output.

Be back later after testing to see if I can reproduce this problem.
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Re: Mumble keeps "kinda" disconnecting

Post by LITOralis.nMd »

Open PRMumble,

Battlefield 2 Complete Collection\mods\pr\bin\PRMumble\PRMumble.exe

Configure->Settings_>Bottom Left, Tick the "Advanced" tickbox->AudioInput->Interface->Make sure the Exclusive ticbkbox is UNTICKED. Click Apply.

Configure->Settings_>Bottom Left, Tick the "Advanced" tickbox->AudioOutput->Interface->Make sure the Exclusive tickbox is UNTICKED. Click Apply.

Start PR, join multiplayer online server, and test.

If that doesnt' fix it,

Alt-Tab to desktop, maximize PRMumble,

Configure->Settings_>Bottom Left, Tick the "Advanced" tickbox->Network->Tick the Force TCP Mode. Click Apply.

Shutdown PR and PRMumble, restart PRmumble. Start PR, join multiplayer online server, and test.

If that doesnt' fix it,

Alt-Tab to desktop, maximize PRMumble,

Configure->Settings_>Bottom Left, Tick the "Advanced" tickbox->Network->UNTick the Use Quality of Service tickbox. Click Apply.

Shutdown PR and PRMumble, restart PRmumble. Start PR, join multiplayer online server, and test.


If that doesn't fix it,

Log into your router, find the Quality of Service (aka QoS ) option, and turn it OFF.
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Re: Mumble keeps "kinda" disconnecting

Post by Narrowlight »

Firstly thanks a million [R-COM]LITOralis.nMd for taking the time to look into this problem .

Code: Select all

Configure->Settings_>Bottom Left, Tick the "Advanced" tickbox->AudioInput->Interface->Make sure the Exclusive ticbkbox is UNTICKED. Click Apply.

Configure->Settings_>Bottom Left, Tick the "Advanced" tickbox->AudioOutput->Interface->Make sure the Exclusive tickbox is UNTICKED. Click Apply.
non of these were ticked and they could not be changed
Alt-Tab to desktop, maximize PRMumble,

Configure->Settings_>Bottom Left, Tick the "Advanced" tickbox->Network->Tick the Force TCP Mode. Click Apply.
This was already ticked

I will look into the Quality of Service as this was not ticked and I will also look into the QoS on my router. here's hoping.
Last edited by Narrowlight on 2013-10-02 11:16, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: update comment
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Re: Mumble keeps "kinda" disconnecting

Post by Narrowlight »

Well I have now tried all your suggestions [R-COM]LITOralis.nMd but unfortunately nothing seems to have worked I can not understand how a simple alt tab corrects the problem.

This is what's showing in mumble when I loose and regain comms with the alt tab

[12:00:35] Project Reality: BF2 lost link.
[12:00:36] You were suppressed.
[12:00:55] Project Reality: BF2 linked.
[12:00:56] You were unsuppressed.

Plus my name will drop from within a squad to the bottom as if I was waiting to join and will then go back into the squad I was in. I'm truly baffled as before this latest update as mentioned there were no problems.
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Re: Mumble keeps "kinda" disconnecting

Post by LITOralis.nMd »

At this point I'll need to see the System specs info...
Open PRLauncher, click Support->Copy to Clipboard button-> then paste it in this thread.
non of these were ticked and they could not be changed
When people tell me this, it's almost always a problem of PRMumble not running as an Administrator, while PRbf2.exe is running as an administrator. Or vice versa.

I.E. PRMumble and PRBF2.exe are not running at the same administrative level.

Another line of troubleshooting:
Do you have any special characters in your BF2 username? I.E. non-English letters, such as Cyrillic, German unique vowels etc?
Last edited by LITOralis.nMd on 2013-10-02 13:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mumble keeps "kinda" disconnecting

Post by Narrowlight »

Here are my spes:

Code: Select all

System Information
  Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (5.1.2600)
          Language: English (United Kingdom)
       Motherboard: ASUSTek Computer INC. M2NPV-VM
         Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3500+ (Physical: 1, Logical: 1)
            Memory: 3.50 GB
      DIMM Modules: A0: 1024.00 MB @ 667 MHz
                    A1: 1024.00 MB @ 667 MHz
                    A2: 512.00 MB @ 667 MHz
                    A3: 1024.00 MB @ 667 MHz
         Page File: -1340719104.00 B
    .NET Framework: 4.0

Display Information
 Display Device(s): SyncMaster152V / 152Sm  on ATI Radeon HD 4300/4500 Series       
                    Plug and Play Monitor on ATI Radeon HD 4300/4500 Series       
                    SyncMaster152V / 152Sm  on ATI Radeon HD 4300/4500 Series       
                    Plug and Play Monitor on ATI Radeon HD 4300/4500 Series       
   Display Mode(s): 1024 x 768 (32 bit) @ 72 Hz
                    1024 x 768 (32 bit) @ 72 Hz
                    1024 x 768 (32 bit) @ 72 Hz
                    1024 x 768 (32 bit) @ 72 Hz
                    1024 x 768 (32 bit) @ 72 Hz
                    1024 x 768 (32 bit) @ 72 Hz
                    1024 x 768 (32 bit) @ 72 Hz
                    1024 x 768 (32 bit) @ 72 Hz
    Driver Version:
    Display Memory: 512.00 MB
     Multisampling: 2, 4
               DPI: 96 (100%)

Audio Information
  Primary Playback: SoundMAX HD Audio O
 Primary Recording: SoundMAX HD Audio I
               EAX: True
           EAX 1.0: False
           EAX 2.0: True
           EAX 3.0: False
           EAX 4.0: False
           EAX 5.0: False
             X-RAM: False

Disk Information
      Install Path: D:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2
                    Free: 124.08 GB, Total: 233.75 GB, NTFS
          Mod Path: D:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\pr
                    Free: 124.08 GB, Total: 233.75 GB, NTFS
     Profiles Path: D:\Documents and Settings\Mick.DOWNSTAIRS\My Documents\ProjectReality\Profiles
                    Free: 124.08 GB, Total: 233.75 GB, NTFS
    Update DL Path: D:\Documents and Settings\Mick.DOWNSTAIRS\Local Settings\Application Data\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\Downloads
                    Free: 124.08 GB, Total: 233.75 GB, NTFS
   Update Log Path: D:\Documents and Settings\Mick.DOWNSTAIRS\Local Settings\Application Data\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\UpdateLogs
                    Free: 124.08 GB, Total: 233.75 GB, NTFS

Game Information
      CD Key Valid: True
    Installed Mods: bf2, fh2, pr, xpack
       Current Mod: pr
       BF2 Version: BF2 1.5
        PR Version:
          Language: english
   Debug Available: False
     Large Address: False
Supported Hardware: None

Profile Information
      Profile 0001: Narrowlight
              Type: Online
 Last Used Profile: True
        View Intro: False
        Fullscreen: True
      Display Mode: 1024x768@72Hz
Display Mode Valid: True
   Graphics Scheme: Custom
     Multisampling: Off
             VSync: False
   Terrain Quality: Low
   Effects Quality: Low
  Geometry Quality: Low
   Texture Quality: Low
  Lighting Quality: Low
   Dynamic Shadows: Off
    Dynamic Lights: Off
 Texture Filtering: Low
    Audio Provider: Software
    Provider Valid: True
     Audio Quality: Medium
               EAX: True
As you can see I'm running windows XP so I don't think its an administrator problem and my BF2 username is simply Narrowlight nothing unusual there. Not sure why so many display devices are shown in my specs although I do have 2 monitors connected, but I have tried running with just 1connected and that does not make any difference.
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Re: Mumble keeps "kinda" disconnecting

Post by LITOralis.nMd »

update your gpu drivers

update (or reinstall ) your audio driver: ...

Are you running in stereo surround mode or just stereo? Either 5.1 or 7.1?

I think this is a specific problem to the SoundMax audio on your motherboard,
Try this:
change in control panel - sound - advanced properties to 16 bit (cd quality)
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Re: Mumble keeps "kinda" disconnecting

Post by Narrowlight »

updated my drivers for gpu and audio, thanks for the links but no change still dropping my mumble BF2 link
change in control panel - sound - advanced properties to 16 bit (cd quality)
I could not find this anywhere, also to answer your question I'm just using the stereo headset setting.
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Re: Mumble keeps "kinda" disconnecting

Post by FelipeFR »

I checked my PRBF2.exe's properties and it was, in fact, running as administrator while PRMumble, PRLauncher and PRUpdater were not. I will test it now, gonna report back soon.

EDIT: Okay, no results. I also tried to set all the .exe's to run as adminstrator, same thing. [R-COM]LITOralis.nMd's suggestions didn't solve my problem either. However, Mumble does appear to last some 10 extra seconds now. I'm probably biased and wrong though. Too bad.
Last edited by FelipeFR on 2013-10-20 03:00, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Mumble keeps "kinda" disconnecting

Post by axised »

Sorry, i didnt saw that thread, i opened a new one yesterday. ... ssues.html
as you can see i got the same problem, tried out everything without success :/
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Re: Mumble keeps "kinda" disconnecting

Post by LITOralis.nMd »

Narrowlight wrote:updated my drivers for gpu and audio, thanks for the links but no change still dropping my mumble BF2 link

I could not find this anywhere, also to answer your question I'm just using the stereo headset setting.
- Go to Start > Control Panel > Hardware and Sound
- Click Sound
- In the Playback tab, right-click on Speakers (or whichever device has the green tick), then click Properties
- In the advanced tab on this new window, select 16 bit, (CD Quality) in the drop down menu
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Re: Mumble keeps "kinda" disconnecting

Post by axised »

Thanks for answer Litoralis but keep in mind narrow and i got windows XP, not win7

I still got these problems, really anoying. still found no solution to solve the issue exept minimizing PR every minute to reenable mumble which is totally anoying...

Some other ideas? Thank you very much

greetings ax
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