looking for a mature/dedicated clan

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looking for a mature/dedicated clan

Post by TheClown96 »

Been playing PR for a couple of years and I know my way around it, communication, teamwork, loyalty and respect all of which are highly necessary, loss of one of these factors may lead to a detrimental fall in efficiency of a squad and therefore the team.

Age: 17
Residency: UK
Occupation: student.
Preffered classification: Rifleman/Breacher/Spotter.
I own a mic & I have teamspeak.

Played plenty of first person shooters however they're not worth noting as the concentration and determination involved in PR has not been met by any previous game I have played. As stated I am in education however I get a great deal of time for leisure when I'm not out or at work.

I'm available most of the time and will make regular hopefully daily drop ins into a ts server and/or in-game to co-ordinate and catch up with the clan or any activity.

If has not already been made clear I am looking for a clan that offers and enforces tactical gameplay, where teamwork and communication is encouraged alongside respect. Not to say I don't want to have a laugh every now and then but that kind of stuff is normally kept for teamspeak and inbertween games.

Thanks for your time,
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Joined: 2011-01-10 22:39

Re: looking for a mature/dedicated clan

Post by Curry »

Hey Clown,

"We are a well established team that holds fun and teamwork as the most important aspects of this Project Reality. The fun ranges from ridiculously weird pubbing sessions to deadly serious battles. We do what we enjoy and we fight together as friends..."

https://www.realitymod.com/forum/f522-c ... tment.html

Jump on TS and have a game with us!

Posts: 19
Joined: 2012-05-03 20:13

Re: looking for a mature/dedicated clan

Post by Cyborg »

hi clown

look no more join [RIP] the rusty in places clan it has been going for 6 years and can offer tactical gameplay, we always have a [RIP] squad up when in battle teamwork and communication is a must with in [RIP] so join are TS3 just follow this link redirect and apply to join you will not regret it c u on the battlefield soldier..

[RIP] Cyborg
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Re: looking for a mature/dedicated clan

Post by SuperArmy »

Hey there,

I have just set up a new community. L|Detachment*

We have been a unit in PRTA for 7 months and are now independent from them.

Most of us are British.
I have been playing PR since 0.6 and have been in a few clans since and have also owned another clan a few years ago.

Have a look at our site ldetachment.co.uk
jump on TS and say hi! ts3.ldetachment.co.uk
Head of EU]GG - www.eugaminggroup.com
Posts: 5
Joined: 2013-10-21 05:43

Re: looking for a mature/dedicated clan

Post by julishan89 »

cool i want join it
Posts: 2
Joined: 2013-10-26 12:01

Re: looking for a mature/dedicated clan

Post by Shadowbl4ze »

if your looking for a clan come check us out at global warfare gaming a bunch of our members just started playing PR agian a few of us havent really played to much since .5 time but we all started to pick it back up plus if u play anyother battlefield games like bf3 or bf4 we have servers for those and looking at getting our own PR server
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