Austrian player searching for clan/community

Post here if you are looking for a clan, or wish to advertise vacancies within yours.
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Posts: 1
Joined: 2015-06-12 14:05

Austrian player searching for clan/community

Post by Feels »

I am 18 years old and have quite a bit experience regarding shooters(both arcade and tactical shooters such as arma and ofp). I am looking for a clan or a community in general to play with, I don't really care about the language since my english is fine and I don't have any problems understanding native speakers (I have played with a british clan in the past).
I recently finished school so I have loads of free time until conscription and university start.
Just PM me if you're interested.
Posts: 898
Joined: 2013-03-19 19:09

Re: Austrian player searching for clan/community

Post by LiamBai »

Hallo Feels.

I'm not in any clans myself, but check out New Era Warfare. They're primarily German speaking, but the majority of them use English pretty regularly in the game, in my experience. They also run a sever which, in my humble opinion, has the highest level of public gameplay currently. If you're interested just jump on their teamspeak(details on their site) and have a few games with them.
Liam: $ mkdir .ssh && chmod 700 .ssh
Vista: $: command not found
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