cool but I think your still thinking a little bit on the small scale side IMO.
One much easier way to encompass and represent the entire battle pretty well, and to save a lot of your work is to simply reduce the scale of the city. If you go with a 1:2 scale, where every 1m ingame represents 2m in r/l and every 1km represents 2kms in r/l, then you only need 1/4 as many buildings to represent the same area
As such, I would recommend you represent 4kms of the real City in a 2km map, which will also result in a better gameplay flow all round
Next thing I would recommend is you rotate the city to be on the grid of the map, which will make it far easier to place statics, especially walls etc that you can snap together on the grid, and also make the straight canals with just terrain since then you won't have jiggered edges of manipulating the terrain grid and also have reduced terrain warping on them, as well as being able to use the terrain with statics a lot more easily
As such this is what I'm thinking,
note this is still a 2km by 2km map ingame, just representing a 4km by 4km area in r/l:
Flags etc are very much subject to change and are only a basic representation of the main AAS layer but here is what I'm thinking.
Pretty much every single flag can only be captured by Team 2 (USMC), if not every single flag and the USMC start off with only their "MACV" Compound in the South, and have to advance west from their, flag by flag until they have captured all the Southern, "New City" Flags ending with the Government Building.
Once the Gov Building has been captured, boats will spawn on the river east of the MACV Compound (even thou in r/l the LCU Ramp was north, I would recommend west so their spawn is more protected from incoming fire) and they will have to make their way up to the ARVN Compound, which is a neutral flag that the NVA can't capture, and capture it, which when captured will give them a spawn point and assets spawning there, which they can then assault the Old City from directly.
Then its a matter of moving onto Zone A and capturing it, then moving onto Zone B, C and D together and providing they can't be recaptured shouldn't make too much of a stale mate (could have Zone A be re-capable however while they still have all Zone B, C and D). Zone D can also be assaulted from their Boats by the SW
Once they have all of Zone B, C and D, they can finally storm the Imperial Palace and crush the NVA, as per r/l
It may also be worth having the main bridge (and possibly other bridges too) intact at the start of the round and making it a secondary objective for the NVA to blow them, like they did in real life, which then seriously cuts off the USMC from being able to assault the old City from the south but if the USMC manages to hold it, could give them an option they didn't have in r/l
Anyways just a basic plan I quickly whipped up, here is the .psd if you wish to make any edits off of it but IMO, this would be the best plan and gives you the most options for other layers too