For v1.4, we have decided to integrate a long-standing community map project Al Basrah v2 by TeRR0R as the official version of Al Basrah.
Official version slightly differs from TeRR0R's as we took the liberty to replace some of the statics with their updated versions that are in v1.4 and made some changes to gameplay, which will be explained below.
The new features are improved lighting, longer view distance and more enterable buildings around the city. British get two additional FOBs, one of which features an RHIB which is available on all Insurgency layers. River fords have been removed, so you'll have to rely on bridges and Close Support Bridges now.
Insurgency Std
As the Mosque allows Insurgents to be in reach of most city caches, this is an experiment to see how things will play out when Insurgent base is slightly removed from action. This allows more cache areas in the city itself. To avoid Insurgents being cut-off in their base, bridges leading to the island north of Palace are now indestructible (this affects all gamemodes and layers).
Al Basrah was made by duckhunt.
Al Basrah v2 was made by TeRR0R.
Additional changes by [R-DEV]Outlawz7.