Wierd Connection Issues (ping)

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Joined: 2012-05-11 16:01

Wierd Connection Issues (ping)

Post by elite7231 »

So i'd be playing the game then about 10/15minutes in I will get ping spikes and rubber banding. Ive checked to see if its my ISP, all seems fine, checked to see if it would happen in other games again all is fine.

Would like to know what the problem is because it's destroying every game i've played so far because of this issue as its unplayable!

Ping spikes from 30 straight up to 600/800 without warning. So would this be a client side issue or server side issue? Has anyone else been having the same problem? If so is there a fix etc? Would appreciate the help :)
Posts: 3608
Joined: 2009-05-02 19:44

Re: Wierd Connection Issues (ping)


This happens to me if I've left something running using bandwidth - are you alone on your internet? Updates can of course go on without knowing now.

I have also had this problem caused by the internet being saturated with 4/5 local ISPs but I would be suprised if any where that bad in the UK.
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