Having performance issuess

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Having performance issuess

Post by TKhan »

Hello everyone, this is my first post in these forums... :o ops:

Well, before I jump in online gameplay I want to get a hang of the game mechanics, the problem is that I'm really having performance issues with it...

I've set it on low graphics (removed dynamic shadows and dynamic lighting) and I still can't get a decent nor stable FPS-rate at 1024x768 resolution. My PC is not high end's but I think it should be able to handle the game, if I could get a few pointers to configure it properly.

Here are my specs:

OS: Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
CPU: Pentium Dual-Core E5400 (2'70Ghz)
Display: Nvidia GeForce GTS 450 (1GB dedicated memory)
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Re: Having performance issuess



Firstly what do you mean by decent or stable frame rate - PR has always been a bit of a SOB, Fallujah has been known to run low FPS for even decent systems. You won't get a stable framerate with PR's big maps it will be high when you look up or out to the edges but when looking towards the middle of the map....

DDR3 is fairly rare on a 775 system - combo motherboard?

Lets assume you mean over 30fps in battles to be playable - PR is very CPU bound meaning the game performance is more affected by CPU the GPU.
You can enable an FPS indicator in PR/BF2 by typing renderer.drawfps 1 into the console.

I used to play on 1920X1080 on a laptop on low except textures with a 9600M GT P8600/2.4Ghz/1066/3MB so you should be playable.

Although your CPU displays 2.7 speed it has a lower FSB 800 and cache at 2MB. I have been playing well with an E8500 3.16 & 6870 but it is 1333 and 6MB - to be honest I'm not sure how much of an effect that this would have, but bearing in mind you can buy fast C2Ds E8500 3.16 or E8600 3.3 very cheap nowadays (just got one for my kid for USD15) it may be worth trying that - it is just plug and play no OS reinstall or anything- If you are so inclined you could overclock it.

Is your system otherwise healthy? Go to userbenchmark as it is an excellent tool to compare to the same components so you can see if anything is performing below normal.
Is your Graphics card performing as it should are all PCI lines open/connected - I have had twice issues where they were only running at X1 not X16, is it going to full power/performance mode correctly? GPUz shows all this, Likewise CPUz can show everything about your processor.
Last edited by PLODDITHANLEY on 2016-04-24 23:22, edited 1 time in total.
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