help....!!!Problems happened when using edited map in server

Maps created by PR community members.
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help....!!!Problems happened when using edited map in server

Post by Beer.114 »

When I create a new map or add buildings to an existed map and run this map in a server, the problem shown in the picture will occur. However the problem didn't occur when I run the map on my own computer(launching a LAN server on my own computer.)

When I connected to the server with the map I make, I can load the map. However, when the loading process ends, this problem will occur and I can not join the server.Image
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Re: help....!!!Problems happened when using edited map in server

Post by rPoXoTauJIo »

Do you have different versions of map on server and client? Because they must be same.

assetruler69: I've seen things you smurfs wouldn't believe. Apaches on the Kashan. I watched burned down tank hulls after the launch of the single TOW. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

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Re: help....!!!Problems happened when using edited map in server

Post by Beer.114 »

rPoXoTauJIo wrote:Do you have different versions of map on server and client? Because they must be same.
You mean the version or PR version of the map?

If the map. That they should be the same, because I direct uploading
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