Welcome to the Project Reality Server Feedback Section for PR:BF2!
This forum is under the same rules as all other forum sections. We feel that while we make the game you play, the server administrators help provide the unique experience that makes PR a thrilling game to play. Because of this, we have decided to focus this forum only on sever experience and feedback.
Before you post, make sure you understand that this is primarily for server admins to adapt to players' experiences and only secondarily for players to share their experiences.
Please note that our policy concerning server bans is that it isn't any of our business. If you have been banned, please seek an appeal on the server admins website. Any unban request will be closed.
Proper feedback gives the reader and server admin something to learn from. Either from negative or positive experiences. Feedback is essential to all players, both new and old. It helps everyone better understand where they are playing and holds server admins accountable as well as being a vital tool for the admins to better their servers.
What is proper feedback?
Proper feedback gives the reader and server admin something to learn from, either from negative or positive experiences. It contains either general experiences or specific and useful information, backed up with context and evidence.
Bad, and thus unaccepted feedback gives the reader and server admin nothing to learn from. It contains no substantial information other than generic claims or statements (both positive and negative), it fuels drama or does not contribute to the discussion.
Players may comment on anything related to the server: Rules, Administration Practices, Admin presence, Balance, Map choices and so on. (Keep in mind: Ban appeals and extended discussions of single cases will still not be allowed, take it to the server's forums!)
Admins may take this feedback to improve themselves and reply as they see fit (of course within the forum rules). Admins have the last word on what happens on their server, they have no obligation to follow player demands in the feedback thread.
Here are some rough guidelines for everyone to orientate themselves:
Good to go as feedback
- Criticism, praise and limited discussion of Server's rules
- Criticism, praise and limited discussion of the server administration practice
--- This includes: Maps, Balance, Warning/Kicking/Banning practice, Ping, Uptime, Admin Presence, ...
- Criticism, praise and limited discussion on specific personal experiences
Not acceptable as feedback
- Both whining & fanboyism, we aim for constructive feedback
- Escalation (this includes brigading & clan/community drama as well as personal conflicts between individuals)
- Extended discussion of individual cases, specifically bans
In short: Anything that goes against the PR Forum Rules (as in: be civil, bring sources, don't spam, stay on topic...)
Please understand that if you break the forum rules, or if you go against the above guidelines we will give you infraction points immediately. The primary concern of Forum Moderation in this section is to keep discussions civil and constructive. And we will enforce it. Feel free to use the report function if you see any posts/discussions that violate the forum rules.
It is however always at the disretion of the PR Moderation/DEV team to decide what counts as valid feedback and what does not.
Regards and happy posting,
The PR Moderation Team
Spoiler for Old Version:
Welcome to the Project Reality Server Feedback Section for PR:BF2. This forum is under the same rules as all other forum sections. We feel that while we make the game you play, the server administrators help provide the unique experience that makes PR a thrilling game to play. Because of this, we have decided to focus this forum only on sever experience and feedback.
There are a few rules associated with providing feedback (both negative and positive). It is essential that you follow these rules because we do not want this forum turning into a flame-athon full of whining and complaining.
Whining and Complaining =/ Feed Back=/Fanboyism
"This server sucks! The admins are horrible, I got banned for a totes for no reason!"
The above is an example of whining and complaining. Before you post, make sure you understand that this is for server admins to adapt to players' experiences. The above is not a good representation of feed back and will always get you warning or infractions from the Moderation Team that may get your account banned. Also, please remember that our policy concerning bans is that it isn't any of our business. If you have been banned, please seek an appeal on the server admins website. Any unban requests will result in the thread being closed and you receiving infraction points.
The Project Reality forums are not to be used as a platform for users to rant/debate being kicked or banned from game servers.
If you are banned for not following a servers rules or server administrators orders and would like to protest or express your feelings on the matter, do so on the corresponding clans/squads website, not here.
Just so everyone is clear, these rules are in force for both players and server admins. Admins, your only response should be a link to your website and a message to take it there. Anything beyond that will be subject to the same rules as players.
Our current system is this:
1) Warning
2) Infraction
3) Perma-ban
Failure to heed these rules will result in your removal from the forum.
"This server rocks!"
The above is an example of being a fanboy. Also something that we don't want. It simply adds little to the server feedback. In this case you're trying to tell others that the server is great. We get it. What we want to know is why the server rocks, why you play there. Simply put this will get you a warning or an infraction notice for Useless/Unhelpful Post Content.
What is proper feedback?
Proper feedback gives the reader and server admin something to learn from. Either from negative or positive experiences. Below are some examples of positive feedback.
"This server is decent, it occasionally has some shmuck player trying to do stupid things but it takes the admins some while to get along to kick the player."
"This server is great! The admins are active and moderate the server in a very timely manner. The rules are fair and are enforced greatly. My favorite part is the !r command that lets you report smacktards."
"This server is horrible. The server is poorly administrated and is populated by bad players who don't care about teamwork. I would avoid this if I were you".
"I love that this server requires mumble. It makes the game more involved and adds and extra dimension!"
"Had a great time on this server today. Really great teamwork, GO USMC!"
Below is feedback that would likely get you a few infraction points.
"Horrible time on this server."
"This server is amazing!"
"I don't like this server. The admins are idiots."
Feedback is essential to all players, both new and old. It helps everyone better understand where they are playing and holds server admins accountable as well as being a vital tool for the admins to better their servers.
Please understand that if you break the forum rules, if you go against the above guidelines or if you start bashing threads or make bashing posts against any individual or server we will give you infraction points immediately.
Regards and happy posting,
The PR Moderation Team
Last edited by Nate. on 2016-06-27 15:59, edited 2 times in total.
"You know we've had to imagine the war here, and we have imagined that it was being fought by aging men like ourselves. We had forgotten that wars were fought by babies. When I saw those freshly shaved faces, it was a shock "My God, my God?" I said to myself. "It's the Children's Crusade."- Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughter House Five
Please note, we have just updated the Server Feedback Guidelines!
They were quite outdated and didn't match the actual practice in the threads in the past years. We tried to change them so that they will help both players in sharing their experiences and Admins getting good feedback. Please read them before posting!
Last edited by Nate. on 2016-06-27 17:51, edited 1 time in total.