Issues running Dedicated server

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The Iron Canadian
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Joined: 2016-09-09 18:31

Issues running Dedicated server

Post by The Iron Canadian »

So yesterday, I was granted a license to run a PR server.

Yay, right?

Well, it seems as though either i've extracted the files to the incorrect area or I have some sort of file corruption.

The error I consistently receive is --->

I have tried
- Extracting it to the PR folder
- Extracting to its own separate folder
- Reinstalling PR from scratch and following both above procedures
- Extracting to a vanilla BF2 (to which, it works and loads Karkhand . . .
- Copying the supposed file from both BF2 Vanilla and PR.

Side of that, I also don't know how to run the server. Ie, select map, number of bots, tickets etc.

Any server hosts with information?
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Re: Issues running Dedicated server

Post by Mineral »

The Iron Canadian
Posts: 10
Joined: 2016-09-09 18:31

Re: Issues running Dedicated server

Post by The Iron Canadian »

Will do, thanks
'It's better to stay silent and let everyone think you're an idiot, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt' - Some guy in the Marines
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