Alex L. wrote:Hello everyone,
UK_Force was the first commander in C1, to my knowledge. During that time, Gaz was squad leader for Delta squad (the special forces). During C1, UK_force moved to the admin team. Then Gaz became commander during C1.
I myself was a dedicated pilot in C1 and later "HCO" ("high command officer") responsable for team strategy and later 2iC under Gaz. When Gaz moved to the admin team I became commander for C2 and C3. In C2 Deg.0 was my 2iC. After C3 I moved to the tournament admin team (T-ADMIN) and ultimately became the tournament lead (TL) and tournament management (R-DEV). Deg.0 became commander in C4. I retired all my remaining duties in 2010 (already stepped down from TL in 2008 - which was after C7 I believe.) I can recall C8 and C9, but I think most executive duties were already being handled by someone else at the time.
Since subsequent tournament leads have all re-written all official posts in the tournament instructional sections you can not find any real data from that time anymore. Most images were hotlinked in the passed and have now gone defunct as players have moved on and online storage has evolved. During my time, there were several dumps of important topics into archives, but I can't check anymore since I neither have high clearance on this board or the tournament board anymore.
The split between "Supreme Commander" and just "Commander" came from the fact that during my time as tournament lead, the tournament became so popular we decided to have four teams instead of two. That created the need for an extra layer of command to ensure smooth operating with the admin staff. I designed the rank images for the teams at that time. The allied "commander" had a blue colonel eagle, the "supreme commander" a brigadier general star. For the chinese oriented team there was a similar structure based on chinese military ranks. I still have those rank avatars on file.
Hope it helps.
Kind regards,
Alex L.
(former commander, admin, management lead - 2006-2010)
Hi Alex,
Thanks again for your answer, it really does help. So far, it seems that you are the only tactical CO, having completed 2 full campaigns. On top of that fact, a question; Has every campaign before C5, included 10 battles?
I presume Deg.0 completed his C4 campaign, since I recall him as a serious minded player, from my experience on the C5 PELA team.
In regard to the allied teams providing the administration with admins, I feel a respectful need, to add that we from the Opfor teams, also provided our share of admins.
From my two Opfor teams alone, (PELA 5 and CATA 2) I am fairly sure, the following players, became active in the administration:
- Raic
- alroar
- Aquiller
- Onil (former Tournament Lead)
- GrayeKnight (former Tournament Lead)
Some, like Onil and GrayeKnight, are, if I recall correctly, still active.
Yrkidding wrote:In case you don't have them,
C10 PAC Team:
SCO: Spook
CO: Cruzmissile
C10 EMF Team:
SCO: Norby
CO: Snipd, briefly ElMariachi, then Agemman and CasualtyUR , Danger_6,
What occurred here was a dispute with Snipd where he elected to leave the team, ElMariachi was recruited to replace him but felt the PRT wasn't for him after roughly a week or two (including 1 battle), Casualty And Age stepped up soon after one another (can't remember which was first) but both were busy in real life and didnt truly have the time to fufuill the position despite their best efforts. These two would stick around and contribute the rest of the campaign but Danger was recruited as someone who did have the time to actually CO and did a wonderful job at it for the entire 2nd half, rallying EMF and giving them the win in the campaign through some really close great battles. Ask anyone from these teams about the last battle of C10 and you'll get a good story. Both of these teams likely had an XO but I can't remember who they were right now.
C11 MRF Team:
SCO: Cossack
CO: Aleon
XO: WebCole
C11: PDI Team:
SCO: Danger
CO: Fnixer (who would resign early into the campaign as a result of real life issues I believe), then hotfranc who served for the of the campaign, stepping up from the XO role.
XO:hotfranc, not sure if they felt the need to give this position to anyone else after franc's promotion.
The factions for C12 haven't been assigned yet, (that will be taken care of after grunt sign-ups) but these are the two high commands:
C12 Team A:
SCO: Yrkidding
CO: ytman
XO: Murkey
C12 Team B:
SCO: Philrow
CO: Senshi
XO: To be determined.
C10 EMF Team:
SCO: Norby
CO: Snipd, briefly ElMariachi, then Agemman and CasualtyUR , Danger_6
Okay, Snipd resign, then ElMariachi was recruited and
appointed by the administration? as CO for 1 battle, or was he already a player on the C10 PAC team, being recruited intenally, without the administration interfering in the change?
Agemman and good old CasualtyUR, who I fought my self as CO back in 2006, or so?, they step up and are also appointed by the administration, or is this maybe also done internally on the team?
Then at last Danger, and he pull it off for the rest of the campaign. Same question goes for him as with the rest; did the administration appoint him or was it done internally?
I am asking in order to understand the evolvement of the tournament, I mean with an SCO it should - in theory at least - be possible for the teams to adapt them selfs in the case wher new COs are needed?
When that is said, this pattern of continously change in commandership, is excatly what we saw back in both C5 and C6, when i played in the tourney.
C11: PDI Team
SCO: Danger
CO: Fnixer
Fnixer resign, then hotfranc step up and get appointed as CO, and he complete the rest of the campaign.
XO:hotfranc, not sure if they felt the need to give this position to anyone else after franc's promotion.
This sentence I do not understand...hotfranc and franc's? who is francs, another CO, or did you mean Fnixer?
Copy on C12 start data, lets wait it out and see what happens.
Yrkidding wrote:Franc is just a short-form for hotfranc.
I was only an NCO at the time so I don't know exactly what occurred but I *think* it was a joint effort to find a replacement CO, Norby searching probably with some help with management at the time. I dont think appointed is the right word I think Norby was involved the whole way through and certainly nothing was done without his consent or active involvement in regards to the team. Next time I see him on TS I'll ask a question or two and see what I can dig up.
ElMariachi was recruited from outside of the PRT, (he was a motable member of the NEW community.) I can't remember if casualty was already part of the team or not, and Age (short for Agemman) was actually serving as a member of the admin team at the time, he stepped down from that role to join EMF as oyr replacement CO but again I don't believe this was any management "appointment". Norby was at least very familiar with Age if not friends already and Age wouldve been totally fine at the position had real life been a little less demanding.
Danger was someone that a bunch of us had been trying to get involved with the PRT for the whole campaign before we finally convinced him and he stepped into the CO role where he rather prospered, vbeing a big reason EMF narrowly won the campaign and going on to be an SCO for C11. So he had been following the campaign fairly closely but not participating until then.
EDIT: Err Mongoose is right, this belongs in the thread he linked really, my apologies.
Thanks Yrkidding, and thank you too Mongoose, your right, hence, all content now redeployed to the correct thread.