realitymod forum account

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Joined: 2011-09-28 01:56

realitymod forum account

Post by KillerSahin »

Hello devs, i have a question for the person that handles Project Reality: Realistic Gaming Redefined website.
I have a forum account named MertSahin, but i am not able to login into my forum account named MertSahin.
Now comes the real problem, the email that i used for forum account MertSahin, is the same email that i used for this account named KillerSahin.
I kinda never used this forum account, and would love to have my real forum account back.
Now everytime when i try to retrieve password for my email, it gives me new password etc for this account named KillerSahin.
Whatever i tryed i was unable to retrieve my main account named MertSahin.
My question is could any admin/dev or whoever controls this website help me out with this situation. I hope its not much work for you and i hope u guys can handle the situation.
I have no problems at all if the account named KillerSahin gets deleted, i just want my account named MertSahin back.

Don't know if this mathers but KillerSahin is the first account that i opened with my email and MertSahin is the secondary account that i opened with the same email.
Now this is probably the reason i always get referred to KillerSahin when i receive an email.
But in the passed i never had a problem login into my account named MertSahin.
But since about a couple months maybe close to a year, i am not able to login.

Please help me devs. Greetings prWARs MertSahin

EDIT: btw it all started with me forgetting my password for the account named MertSahin, then i tryed to retrieve password but it kept sending me emails for the account named KillerSahin, months have passed and the situation still did not change. Now i hope u guys can help me.
Posts: 9
Joined: 2011-09-28 01:56

Re: realitymod forum account

Post by KillerSahin »

plss :( bump
Retired PR Developer
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Re: realitymod forum account

Post by AfterDune »

Hi man, the accounts aren't using the same email address. Only the part after the '@' is the same.
Perhaps this'll trigger a memory?
Posts: 9
Joined: 2011-09-28 01:56

Re: realitymod forum account

Post by KillerSahin »

[R-DEV]AfterDune wrote:Hi man, the accounts aren't using the same email address. Only the part after the '@' is the same.
Perhaps this'll trigger a memory?
thanks for the quick reply Afterdune, indeed it gave me a reminder but i am not sure
if it is using m_erdow@... instead of merdow_@...

if it is using m_erdow@... i am not able to retrieve it since that account is unable to login anymore (hacked)
if it is using some other email could you PM me about it?
if not is there a way around to retrieve my account.
thanks for your help and response
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