Tips to get higher FPS?

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Tips to get higher FPS?

Post by ForeverBlue »

I recently got Project Reality to finally work, but now my FPS is really low (10-15 FPS) in urban maps with a lot of objects like Fallujah, Gaza, ect, but a runnable FPS between 30-60 with maps like Falklands.

I have tried lowering my resolution, going full screen, using lowest graphic settings and off whenever I can. Is there anything more that I can do besides upgrading?

I do have a awfully low spec PC but I'm able to run Battlefield 2 at all lowest res and graphics with 60 FPS.
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Re: Tips to get higher FPS?

Post by fpspromotion »

you Need a pc than runs battlefield 3 or better because Project reality uses more resources than bf3
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Re: Tips to get higher FPS?

Post by Raklodder »

The achilles heel is your CPU and since the game engine only can utilize one core your options are limited (faster core equals higher fps, unless your gpu is a potato) apart from playing with lower settings and on low populated servers.
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