When is PR:WW2 coming out? - and other FAQs

General discussion of the Project Reality WWII modification.
Retired PR Developer
Posts: 17093
Joined: 2007-02-08 07:19

When is PR:WW2 coming out? - and other FAQs

Post by AfterDune »

1. When is PR:WW2 coming out?
No date available. It will come out when it has to come out (SoonTM).

2. Why can't I play PR:WW2 now?
Because PR:WW2 (specifically the beta) is not compatible with the current version of PR.

3. Are there any servers up right now?
Nope, see above.

4. How many devs are currently working on PR:WW2?
A couple.

5. Will there be "x" weapon, theater or faction?
Currently we are focusing our resources on the Western theater, more specifically the Americans vs the Germans. If you have suggestions, please don't hesitate in posting it in the suggestion thread.

6. Where can I download this game?
As of Update x, you won't need to download it as it will be integrated directly to PR.

7. I found a bug and/or glitch...
Please report it on the feedback thread or simply create a new thread.

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