Concrete fence with several variations.
Midle-eastern military tower and concrete barrier block
I said this before but don't use suffix versions of textures, use the default version....CaptMiller wrote:I used mecity_c_mutrah for outside and inside walls and conc_big_sbeneh for floors.
That's a good depiction of reaching under the rifle with the support hand to charge it (though it would make more sense to cant it to the right side rather than tilt the front up), but you didn't really capture hitting the mag release lever, and AK mags have to be inserted by indexing the front of the magazine first and then rocking them in rather than straight insertion.CaptMiller wrote:remastered
it is not silencer, it is handmade granade-launcherBraveSniper wrote:Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
i hope that you add this ak with silence its finded in all Isis videos . its verry important