Can't seem to use the Alt versions of weapons when spawning.

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Can't seem to use the Alt versions of weapons when spawning.

Post by DoctorT »


I just started playing this gem and have a small issue: I connect to a local server (LAN), join a squad and then pick a kit (usually Rifleman); the problem is, when I want to choose the Alt version of a weapon, it seems that I spawn with the Std version, not the Alt one.

This, however, does not happen with all the factions; to be more precise: when playing as Canadian forces, I choose the Alt version of C8A3 ( the one at 10.50), but keep getting spawned with the Std one.

Any ideas on why I can't spawn with the Alt version of it, even when choosing it in the menu?

Thank you for any help, cheers!

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Re: Can't seem to use the Alt versions of weapons when spawning.

Post by DoctorT »

Okay, to update it: I went ahead and did the same as stated above again, just for the sake of it (connected to LAN, joined a Squad, picked the Alt version of a weapon and clicked Done to spawn) - and this time, it spawned me with the Alt version. As if the game knew, I came crying for help here... weird.

So, I guess I solved it, even though without knowing what happened or if it's gonna be an issue again in the future... if anyone had this similar problem, they are welcome to share anything about it!

Cheers guys.
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Re: Can't seem to use the Alt versions of weapons when spawning.

Post by AlonTavor »

I checked and there are no issues with Canada's Rifleman alt.
Considering the way its implemented, Its not something that will behave differently on different clients, you're probably doing something wrong.

Are you pressing done?
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Joined: 2017-05-06 23:02

Re: Can't seem to use the Alt versions of weapons when spawning.

Post by DoctorT »

Hey, thanks for checking. Hm, yeah, I understand, it's not server related or anything... but I actually am doing everything like I should. I tried again now, and again it spawns me with the Std version, not the Alt one.

It doesn't matter if I join a squad or not; or (if I do join a squad) which kit I select (Officer, Rifleman, Grenadier... - the ones with the C8A3). I click the Alt button, select a spawnpoint and click Done - and yet I get spawned with the Std version.
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