Oskar's Basic Squad Leader Training
April 29th 2017, 18:00 PRT / GMT
Server: PRTA.co | EU - Training
Participant slots available: 3/7
All players, with a specific focus on new players or players that haven't yet tried saddling the squad leader position are welcome to my first Squad Leader Training since 2012. We will spend one hour learning important game mechanics, map usage, communication & radio, the Officer kit, and the basics of managing and leading an infantry squad of players. Optional: After the training, we will draw straws to select one player who will get to try out leading their first squad in a public game, with help and guidance available when needed.April 29th 2017, 18:00 PRT / GMT
Server: PRTA.co | EU - Training
Participant slots available: 3/7
How will it work?
Training sessions will be spread out during the course of every weekend and always announced in advance, in separate threads on realitymod.com and PRTA forums. For the advanced courses, guest instructors from the Project Reality community will be invited to expand upon the coursework into their respective fields of expertise.Players should sign up in this thread to join the training. A microphone is mandatory for all players participating. Players also need to have the Teamspeak Client installed - once you have TS installed, go to this link to connect to the PRTA TS server. Game server is always announced in the session thread and can be closed or public, depending on the needs of the Instructor.
Reading material: Oskar's Guide to Squad Leading in Project Reality
Only three more slots available! Sign up now!
Reading material: Oskar's Guide to Squad Leading in Project Reality
Only three more slots available! Sign up now!