'[R-CON wrote:LiamBai;2166293']He's not complaining about admins. I don't get why you're getting so defensive for no reason.
The point is the lack of admins in this timezone is a problem. HOG, as far as I can see, isn't doing much to address that. While I get that HOG is a primarily US clan with some EU in there, realityadmin has the ability to give light admin. I've suggested before to give it to some players who can keep the server tame during the lull in adminning, but this was rejected since all HOG admins have to be full admins. Is it really that far fetched to find a few Aussies or Asians that the community says you can trust and give them !k and !setnext when real admins aren't on? A few active people would solve the issue almost completely, and you can always take their powers away if there's any sign of misuse.
Also, yak was pointing out that the adminless server is something admins can't experience by definition, so the scale of the problem isn't easily grasped by admins. While yes he was being a bit snarky, note that it's after an admin on your server graced us with his wise insight "GIRLS complain to much lol". I'm sure you can forgive him somewhat.
As someone who plays moderately often in this timezone, it's really frustrating to go round after round with no admins, maplist running the same map multiple times, general greifing, etc.
On a final note, you guys do actually respond to feedback here, so +1 for that.
Pretty Much everyone who comments has never ran a server. How very interesting. Let me comment at least, you know, since i have.
As a player and as a player who has matured a lot. I will quickly align with any server rules. If i get kicked or punished for breaking them, i will apologize to the admins, and i will do my best to learn the rules better. The =HOG= server is in a sense strict on it's rules, mostly because it wants to let players who have respect for the rules to be able to play without inhibition. Now i ran a server and was quite popular for a while. And i actually had similar rules to how =HOG= was set up, and i never had a problem with players complaining. It is odd that somehow that =HOG= has got a stigma for being strict when by far my server was far more strict in a sense. But that is years ago.
But here is the thing, having to many rules is actually counter productive. So to everyone who thinks they "know" how to makes rules, but yet make to many. Never actually ran anything properly and well in their life. You have to think about the manning situation, and that is what the owners keep saying, but no one listens. So let me put it in a way people can understand. Less is more and more is less.
But if you all have actually good feedback and good suggestions please be sure to PM the owners. Or bring it to their forums. Not to the PR forums where it is wasted. On the contrary =HOG= does not dislike feedback. If you can propose something that is better, easier to implement, and easier to actually understand they will eat that up. The reason i say this is because you have to think of the admin team. And that is what the owners do. They think of a way to make it easy for admins to admin. And it has come a long way. I have actually made personal impact in the rules and in changes in the rules for the server. And so have others that i know of.
SO when people come here and "complain" that's how it is seen. If you want to make constructive criticism then go for it. Until then do not talk.