The battle for Saameraa, started out with a rapid and beautiful enclosing assault, from the Vangaurd Operations Group. A bold and determined starting move that VOG rapidly developed into the type of Pincer Ambush, we saw it shaped up for, in battle 1, on Yamalia. Back then, however, VOG never materialized it and so the moment it initially created, was lost. Below the image from VOGs lost moment on Yamalia.
This time, however, VOG actually executed this very type of Pincer Ambush and as result, captured the Supply Depot flag, from an unusual disorganized Riam Pax team, almost starring it self, blind on the flags, instead of taking the overall situation into account. Hereunder, that VOG had placed units on two, or three sides of the flag it wanted to capture. The result from a VOG perspective, however, was excellent. Riam Pax was almost surrounded from round start. Within minutes it had to fight hard on two fronts, being both sides of the Supply Depot flag. All this meanwhile VOG infantry swept its rear as well. As a commander, can you ask for more?
Essentially two schools of though fought it out here and the school focused on the flag and defense, lost.
The two schools of thought still in motion, even after RPX has identified VOG units on multiple sides of the flag.
So VOG not only took the initiative, it took it in a clever manner, adapted to the flag oriented play style RPX so far has used. In doing so, VOG also achieved the ticket lead. Which it kept for the rest of the round, until it won with 85 tickets ahead. Beautiful executed game play from the Vangaurd Operations Group. Clearly the frustarting learning curve that took the first three battles to complete, has now paid off.
Tactical note: when deploying your attacking force, on two sides of an area your opponent is moving into, (Supply Depot flag), you basically present your opponent with a dilemma. Thus not presenting your opponent with a problem. This is vital, in order to understand what happened in battle 3. Because a problem can be solved but not a dilemma. This is also why we saw RPX tried to solve the problem, at 3:50, on its western flank, using a line formation, in a solid manner. Still, however, this deployment did not solve the overall situation; that VOG had forces on three sides of the Supply Depot flag. The very flag RPX was about to capture. That's why the VOG deployment is both clever and bold. It counted on a more passive play style from the RPX. An assumption that proofed to hold water. Now, had RPX been more active, more concentrated and determined, to destroy VOG units, before capturing the flag, the start of the round, could have turned into RPX favor. Because VOG had divided its forces, they were all vulnerable to a concentrated attack. An attack that never came.
On top of all of this and related to it as well, the initial VOG assault, also involved a possible diversion. It used its three helicopters to deliver its infantry, in a manner, so RPX from first sight, maybe concluded, that VOG was strongest in the West, while it actually was so, in the East. Perhaps this is also why, the Western VOG Force, assaulted the RPX units in the town of Orissaare? Located as it is, at the coast. A VOG diversion, aiming to as minimum, draw away the RPX attention from the VOG build-up in the east? AND as maximum, to defeat any RPX units in the Orissaare town area?
Finally, the initial VOG assault, also involved a very bold action. Because from round start, VOG reached out, for the very rear of its opponent. Landing its VOG infantry, in close proximity to the RPX Main Base. That is, even before the last RPX vehicle had left it! That is boldness, and this time, on Saameraa, it paid off.
Audacity, always Audacity!
Thank you for this great inspiration, Vangaurd Operations Group.
What happened next was a looong, and somewhat clumsy attrition battle, fought out between the Supply Depot flag (3rd) and the Lighthouse flag (4th). Flag numbers are seen from the perspective of the attacker (VOG).
This muddy fight, could also have been the outcome of the battle, however, something important and surprisingly happened. Because near battle end, ticket wise that is, when VOG had a lead of almost 150 tickets, and RPX around 50 left, something spectacular took form. Riam Pax, for the first time in the campaign, decided to unleash its offensive potential. This in a situation, with almost no hope to win the round. RPX did something unexpected. The team, how to put it, sort of erupted it self, into a sheer brutal frontal assault, of utter violence. Like a volcano. A frontal assault that included both speed and strength. Together those two factors made up the surprise factor. Because this assault, literally smashed through the VOG units in place. And from here on RPX moved straight and determined to the Supply Depot flag, where it grayed it out and started to defend it, in the manner, it should have defended it, from start of the round.
What an outstanding and impressive achievement. Beautiful executed Riam Pax. Thank you for showing us, that it is never too late, to do it.
Hence, the third battle of campaign 13, was to be the round where Vangaurd Operations Group, excelled in its Pincer Ambush for the first time, while Riam Pax proofed that it has offensive potential - above average. So please, RPX and VOG commands, give us more of the same in future rounds.
Finally, lets take a look at the RPX beauty.