PR only Works in Windowed Mode

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PR only Works in Windowed Mode

Post by Phoenix4894 »

All this started about 2 years ago, when I suddenly couldn't launch PR. It started loading stuff, went black, and crashed with the PR-Message "PR has closed, cleaning up resources".
Back then I tried lots of things, without success. Then I had a break, leaving all the "gaming"-stuff.

Now I set up my PC and all that again. Same message appears again. I also did an update from 1.3.something to the latest and I downloaded a full torrent and reinstalled everything-both without success. There is no other message whatsoever and PR only launches (Intro Videos and Main Menue) in Windowed mode.

Any advice?


Code: Select all

System Information
  Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home (10.0.14393)
      Architecture: 64-Bit
   Current Culture: German (Switzerland)
       Motherboard: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. Z87-C
         Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz (Physical: 4, Logical: 8)
            Memory: 16.00 GB
      DIMM Modules: ChannelA-DIMM0: 4.00 GB @ 1600 MHz
                    ChannelA-DIMM1: 4.00 GB @ 2400 MHz
                    ChannelB-DIMM0: 4.00 GB @ 1600 MHz
                    ChannelB-DIMM1: 4.00 GB @ 2400 MHz
         Page File: 16.00 GB
    .NET Framework: 4.6+ Release Build: 461310, Runtime: 4.0.30319.42000

Display Information
 Display Device(s): Generic PnP Monitor on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770
   Display Mode(s): 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) @ 60 Hz
    Driver Version: (391.01)
    Display Memory: 2.00 GB
     Multisampling: 2, 4, 8
               DPI: 96 (100%)

Audio Information
  Primary Playback: SONY TV (NVIDIA High Definition
 Primary Recording: 
  Open AL Renderer: Software
               EAX: True
           EAX 1.0: False
           EAX 2.0: True
           EAX 3.0: False
           EAX 4.0: False
           EAX 5.0: False
             X-RAM: False

Disk Information
      Install Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2
                    Free: 231.85 GB, Total: 465.10 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: True
          Mod Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr
                    Free: 231.85 GB, Total: 465.10 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: True
     Profiles Path: C:\Users\Husein\Documents\ProjectReality\Profiles
                    Free: 231.85 GB, Total: 465.10 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: True
    Update DL Path: C:\Users\Husein\AppData\Local\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\Downloads
                    Free: 231.85 GB, Total: 465.10 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: True
   Update Log Path: C:\Users\Husein\AppData\Local\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\UpdateLogs
                    Free: 231.85 GB, Total: 465.10 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: True

Game Information
    Installed Mods: pr
       Current Mod: pr
           Version: Standalone - 1.0
        PR Version:
          Language: english
   Debug Available: False
     Large Address: True
Supported Hardware: None

Profile Information
      Profile 0001: =MeRk=Phoenix4894
              Type: Online
 Last Used Profile: True
        View Intro: True
        Fullscreen: True
      Display Mode: 1920x1080@60Hz
Display Mode Valid: True
   Graphics Scheme: High
     Multisampling: 8x
             VSync: False
            NoLods: False
   Terrain Quality: High
   Effects Quality: High
  Geometry Quality: High
   Texture Quality: High
  Lighting Quality: High
   Dynamic Shadows: High
    Dynamic Lights: High
 Texture Filtering: High
    Audio Provider: Software
    Provider Valid: True
     Audio Quality: Medium
               EAX: True
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Re: PR only Works in Windowed Mode

Post by Mineral »

That has absolutely nothing to do with it. That problem in the linked thread is also solved since 2 days ago.

Not being able to fullscreen might have something to do with a third party app? Like a anti-virus, game overlay, recording software, etc,... Other then that I have no idea. 1920x1080@60Hz should work just fine. I'm guessing your monitor is actually 1080p?
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Re: PR only Works in Windowed Mode

Post by AlonTavor »

Maybe something with refresh rate?

Get procdump and get me a mini-dump. Look for my post from like 3 months ago. I'll be able to tell if it's directx failure.
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Re: PR only Works in Windowed Mode

Post by Phoenix4894 »

[R-DEV]Mineral wrote: Not being able to fullscreen might have something to do with a third party app? Like a anti-virus, game overlay, recording software, etc,... Other then that I have no idea. 1920x1080@60Hz should work just fine. I'm guessing your monitor is actually 1080p?
I am currently using an old monitor, which I once also used to play PR with.
What kind of 3rd party software could cause this? I mean, alot of others have GeForce experience and so on... I could list some things and maybe delete a few of them, but there is not that much installed...
___________________ ________________________ ________________________
Okay, I have some news for ya. I also had some trouble installing the latest Win 10 Updates, which I have fixed with some windows tools. Now PR does start but initially it crashed when I tried to look for servers on "internet". Without any significant error message. The 2nd time I tried to jump to a Co-Op server for testing, it removes the Mouse Icon and simply nothing happens. The Server list is just open, music and mouse-icon are gone and nothing happens.
Anyone got a clue?
Last edited by Phoenix4894 on 2018-03-20 15:29, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Updates
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Re: PR only Works in Windowed Mode

Post by LEGIYA »

[R-DEV]Mineral wrote:That has absolutely nothing to do with it. That problem in the linked thread is also solved since 2 days ago.

Not being able to fullscreen might have something to do with a third party app? Like a anti-virus, game overlay, recording software, etc,... Other then that I have no idea. 1920x1080@60Hz should work just fine. I'm guessing your monitor is actually 1080p?
I have no 3rd party app active.
I dont even have antivirus installed on my computer.
My monitor is 1440x900.I play od 1440x900 60Hz
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Re: PR only Works in Windowed Mode

Post by Phoenix4894 »

Okay, now I tried to connect to a few servers. Currently, I have to wait a few minutes until it tries to connect to a server. It manages to load all the stuff, gets to the server but it is stuck on the start screen and is loading all things very slowly. Chat messages for example appear.
On other occasions I even get to the spawn menu, but I can't choose any spawn point. They are all gone. It's so frustrating :'(

Edit: I tried to join a server again. It seems like I'm getting stuck in the spawn menu every time. You can see this especially by the Map time, which is stuck at 04:00:00, or the background stuff in the start screen not moving, or simply not being able to join a squad, nor spawn at any point because they are gone.
I'll search the forum now for this issue but it's really frustrating. At some point I'm thinking to reinstall windows just for PR, which is and will be a P.. in the ***
Last edited by Phoenix4894 on 2018-03-21 13:18, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: New Updates
PR:BF2 Developer
Posts: 2991
Joined: 2009-08-10 18:58

Re: PR only Works in Windowed Mode

Post by AlonTavor »

That sounds like network issues.
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Joined: 2009-12-26 17:22

Re: PR only Works in Windowed Mode

Post by Phoenix4894 »

Allright, now I have "reinstalled" Win 10 with the option for Saving data and so on...
Thus, I reinstalled PR. It seems like I am getting the same effect now. It's the spawn menu bug or start screen bug, in which the start screen appears, without being able to open the spawn menu, which leads you to Alt+F4 PR. Before the re-install, the spawn menu appeared, but I couldnt do anything, since I was not able to choose any spawn point. *sigh*

EDIT: Meanwhile, I've found out, that PR works totally fine on a local server. When I try to join online, it takes almost 5 min. to actually start the "map loading process". And if it has loaded the map, I got that effect that I can do anything. Map is running, chat is running, but I cant do, or write anything. Drives me mad. I really don't want to abandon PR again :'(
Last edited by Phoenix4894 on 2018-03-21 22:37, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: new update
Posts: 67
Joined: 2009-12-26 17:22

Re: PR only Works in Windowed Mode

Post by Phoenix4894 »

Okay so I found a solution (I guess).
I have given my Account all Administrator-rights and checked all checkboxes. I also set my computer as an exception on my router to handle the data through the firewall or something like that, since it seemed to be a network/connections problem. I will try to undo this tomorrow and test it. I'd imagine not working at all, like not even being able to connect to a server instead of just freezing in the main screen, if its a network problem. :roll:
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