Crashes And Performance Issues

Help and support regarding PR:BF2 installation and in-game issues
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Crashes And Performance Issues

Post by RagebladeGaming »

So recently since the last update of PR the PERF Beta came out, and since i enable it, the feature gained my some fps but gained my more desktop crashes.
Most of the time i try to load maps of try to load the game it self it crashes and says it has stop working.
Also performance issue, it is bad..... like really bad......... like really, really bad
In cities i get about 15-20 fps on full server making the game less enjoyable for me.
Instead of loading up the maps @ 3:00 it now loads at 1:00.
I know get a new pc etc, re-install the game, lower resolution all does not work.
The performance issue all started when the effects where set to high, I know the reason for setting it so, but now all you have done is drawn most of community away for the game to go to other.
Instead of fixing the bug or spending some time trying to fix it, you set it to high, therefore low end PC users cant play the game.
Please take this into consideration and try and lower some of graphics or do something to make it enjoyable for everyone to play ( I know its not possible)
Just please take this into consideration and try to fix this in the next update

PR:BF2 Developer
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Joined: 2009-08-10 18:58

Re: Crashes And Performance Issues

Post by AlonTavor »

Post the information from the "Stopped working" screen.
Posts: 13
Joined: 2015-08-26 21:42

Re: Crashes And Performance Issues

Post by RagebladeGaming »

All it says that PR:BF2 has stop working

PR:BF2 Developer
Posts: 2991
Joined: 2009-08-10 18:58

Re: Crashes And Performance Issues

Post by AlonTavor »

There should be a "more details" button.
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