Towards Devs&Staff. CD Hash issued to multiple people

Help and support regarding PR:BF2 installation and in-game issues
Posts: 6
Joined: 2018-05-25 14:52

Towards Devs&Staff. CD Hash issued to multiple people

Post by Matt_2000 »

Hey guys. Im sorry to bother you again. I tried to get unbanned on the HOG server but the staff there told me they cannot unban me since i have the same CD hash as another player that was banned, so if they unbanned me they would have to unban him. Bit annoyed im being punished for his actions though :-( :-x

I was wondering is this a bug and something y'all are working on fixing? Is there anyway for you guys to change my CD hash or anyway for me to get another one that other players havent used?

Posts: 6
Joined: 2018-05-25 14:52

Re: Towards Devs&Staff. CD Hash issued to multiple people

Post by Matt_2000 »

I was told by some people there is a workaround HOG can do for this. Is that true?
PR:BF2 Developer
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Joined: 2009-08-10 18:58

Re: Towards Devs&Staff. CD Hash issued to multiple people

Post by AlonTavor »

I already answered you on the other thread.
Yes, There is a workaround. Its up to them if they trust you. Sorry but you're probably going to have to wait

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