Sound inside a vehicle is shitty.

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Sound inside a vehicle is shitty.

Post by Bazookaro »

Greetings! I was unsure where to post this but i have a small issue.
When ever i am gunning for the tank or apc and even when i am driving, there can be a issue hearing the gunner when driving while speaking to him in local.
I have my effects on 4% but its the issue that the local sound coming from my partner is sometimes so low that its realy hard to hear it.
It does get better when i turn my camera like behind the vehicle thats when i can hear him better. I don't know if there is a way to fix this or does everyone have this issue?
When you milk the cow are you are giving the cow a handjob? :confused:
PR:BF2 Developer
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Joined: 2012-05-18 03:37

Re: Sound inside a vehicle is shitty.

Post by Arab »

Known issue with the low minimum distance heard for land vehicles in PRMumble.

Will be fixed with a future update to PRMumble.

In the meantime, if you have Windows 7+ you can Alt-Tab and increase PRMumble's volume in the mixer as a temporary solution
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