No, it hadn't been a standard for any server until last year when it was introduced.SemlerPDX wrote:That would literally kill the game. And this has never been the standard for any server AFAIK - to kick out players enjoying the game just because the last Admin had to run out to dinner. Should we take a poll here?
Do you, Suchar, make sure your server is offline every time the last Admin leaves the server, to be turned online again once the next Admin wants to join and start playing?
Yes, we do make sure our server is killed by the last admin who leaves it. It is fairly easy to implement. Just in march PRTA main server has been stopped 15 times.
btw its offtopic, its HOG thread after all
It had never been that important to keep a server adminned, but it changed drastically due to the increase in griefing-related activities. It is probably unnoticeable for COOP community so you don't have that issue. In case of 'deployment' servers it is a huge issue, however.SemlerPDX wrote:Given everything I wrote in my previous reply regarding the number of routes that players have to deal with disruptive players, in what way would we be expected to assume that the server being online for a period between the last PR Admin leaving and the next one joining would fall under the category of not being properly administrated, that this would be considered bringing PR into disrepute?
Let's not split hairs here and pay attention to the clearly obvious spirit of this license in that servers require a sufficient PR Admin base and need to provide a means to their players to deal with issues in a fair and friendly way through preferred contact methods of their choosing. Like others, our server can have Admins online in TS3/Discord but perhaps not in game at the time, and we emphasize that to players over time. Many routes for help.
Even in it's peak, PR had plenty of servers with periods of absence between Admins on the server, that's just the randomness of life and our many different regional time zones. Does not matter that the population as a whole is less than it was.... would be unwise to shut down servers between one Admin logging out and another logging in. I would feel terrible for the players if that was a standard on any PR Server anywhere.