v1.6.2 - Update Highlights

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v1.6.2 - Update Highlights

Post by Mats391 »

In today's highlight we would like to introduce some of the bigger additions and changes coming with the upcoming release v1.6.2.0 for Project Reality: Battlefield 2. This comes with one new map, two new deployable assets, quality of life improvements for Backup Ironsight, the ability to check how much ammo is left in a crate as well as the usual bugfixes. Enjoy the upcoming update! We plan to release it in the upcoming days, but unforeseen issues could push it further.

With the new update we are introducing a brand new map developed by community mapper Rabbit. It has a dedicated highlight you can read here to find out all the details.
9K135 Kornet ATGM

The Kornet will finally replace the HJ-8 on the Russian Armed Forces. It features good optics and a powerful ATGM. While the barrel has limited depression, it features an easy to move tripod which allows to adjust the elevation quickly. We tried to replicate this in game, but sadly the result felt clunky and un-intuitive. As such we decided to give the Kornet a higher operational range without moving the tripod. This reasoning got also applied to the HJ-8 which will get a similar depression.

  • Optics: 1x, 12x, 20x + black/white thermals
  • Firing delay: 1.5 seconds
  • Elevation: -12.5 / +20 degrees
The Kornet will be featured on the Russian Armed Forces and Syrian Rebels.
2B14-1 Podnos

For years every faction in PR has been using American mortars. This is now over. With the addition of the Podnos, we now have a proper for our various non NATO factions. This 82mm mortar will be added to Russia, Militia and China. Unlike its NATO counterpart, the Podnos will not use any airburst ammunition. Instead it will fire HE FRAG rounds which will have higher splash damage than the M252 HE rounds, but slightly less impact damage.

  • 9x HE FRAG O-832 DU
  • 6x SMOKE D-832 DU

Backup Ironsight improvements

The main improvement we set out to achieve was to make the backup Ironsights (BUIS) more usable for high ping players and reduce the stuttering when scoping in. After figuring out what the cause for the stuttering, we managed to remove it completely!
However we did not stop there. With that issue solved, we noticed that we now would be able to enable switching sights while scoped in.

These fixes also removed the movement speed penalty while crouching using BUIS.

Seeing supply status

We added the ability to see the amount of supply points left in supply crates and ammo boxes. This will even work for enemy crates. With this information you can now see when it is time to start calling new supplies before it is too late. The supply will show automatically on the bottom of your screen when you are close to a supply source. You will be able to check supply status of:
  • Big supply crates
  • Small supply crates
  • Ammo boxes
Checking supply left in ammo bags will not be possible and this feature will also not be enabled while playing locally.
For more information about supply points and how they work, check the manual here.

Together with this we also did a minor change to the HUD and moved all status icons (getting healed/repaired/rearmed) to the bottom of the screen.

Support Project Reality!

The Project Reality Team develops this modification completely free of charge for its community to download and play. If you would like to show your support, please consider donating to our team. These funds go directly towards website expenses, including bandwidth, hosting, domain registration, and maintenance. We never use donation funds to directly pay team members.

For more information, please feel free to join us on our public forums to discuss this and other news. Also, be sure to connect to Project Reality through social media to stay informed and receive up to the minute updates, the occasional leaked bit of information, and more! See you on the battlefield!

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- The Project Reality Team
Last edited by Mineral on 2020-07-19 16:04, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: v1.6.2 - Update Highlights

Post by Geronimo »

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Re: v1.6.2 - Update Highlights

Post by RaNa-Rocxs »

cool let's play new map
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Re: v1.6.2 - Update Highlights

Post by BRZbruh »

Good work gents. Nice to see the russians finally getting their own TOW.

Metys M when.
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Re: v1.6.2 - Update Highlights

Post by xpugur »

would it be possible to bring old maps for variation (i know there are lots of maps available but still more maps would be better) may be with a few tweaks?

https://www.realitymod.com/forum/showth ... post929027

https://www.realitymod.com/forum/showth ... p?t=134208

thank you for every update :-P thank you for Project Reality :thumbsup: :15_cheers
Last edited by xpugur on 2020-07-18 22:13, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: v1.6.2 - Update Highlights

Post by CG-Delta »

It sounds like the BUIS and scope stutter update is going to be quite a big gameplay improvement.
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Re: v1.6.2 - Update Highlights

Post by Rabbit »

Coop get finished?

AfSoccer "I just don't see the natural talent."
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Re: v1.6.2 - Update Highlights

Post by Iguanadjy »

YaaaaY! Can’t wait for Masirah!!! BUIS update and crates supplies status is awesome!
Thank you so much guys!

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Re: v1.6.2 - Update Highlights

Post by Outlawz7 »

xpugur wrote:would it be possible to bring old maps for variation (i know there are lots of maps available but still more maps would be better) may be with a few tweaks?
https://www.realitymod.com/forum/showth ... p?t=145705
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Re: v1.6.2 - Update Highlights

Post by xpugur »

thanks for the reply :)

i was asking that for online :wink:

are there any full servers with those maps?
Last edited by xpugur on 2020-07-19 09:24, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: v1.6.2 - Update Highlights

Post by lao »

Cool update, thank you! :-)

"No airburst for Russia"
However, I'm unhappy with deleting airburst from Russian mortars, I'm afraid it could break balance among other things. But that depends on how much splash radius increase Russian mortars have become for HE FRAG.
So how much of an increase??? :confused:

Can't wait to see another Soviet Russian 82mm mortar 2B9 Vasilek, which was used in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Syria, Ukraine... In Ukraine insurgents mounted it on Ural, for instance, which wasn't surprising - it weighs almost as much as ZPU-1.)
It's gonna be extremely fun and it would also be in line with bringing Russian artillery "closer to reality" (as per update).
It would be incredibly fun to play with! I foresee balance concerns as it is automatic and fires from 4-shell cassettes, so I feel obliged to suggest possible balance tweaks: make Vasilek spawn with delay and once in 30 minutes, or if that would be not enough one could think of increasing the area attack cooldown time by a minute or two). :razz:

"Updated mortars to have 10 second warm up delay after entering."
Why SUCH a nerf? Couldn't we make it at least 5 like with HMGs on cars?

"Removed blood effect when hitting soldier with small arms."

What? Why?

Love the sights fix!
Incidentally, I've been meaning to ask it for ages: why on earth we can only use backup sights on just 1 Russian kit? Also many French kits with FAMAS clearly showing TWO optical sights, with one built in and one "marksman sight".
Another thing that comes in mind is that one doesn't actually have to have the backsight to aim with your gun (e.g. insurgency shotguns). Could be probably get a "sightless" aiming with aligning the gun towards the center of the screen like that as a sane alternative to hip shooting?

"Fixed being able to spawn on any rally point."
Please fix rally points disappearing after a minute EVEN WHEN close to friendly FOB and NOT overrun. That bug is nasty and was kinda okay only because we could use the bugfeature of teamspawning on rallies. One of the main reasons I personally didn't report this bug was this other bug I would call "fobbed rally disapperance". :!:

"heli bugs"
Apropos did you fix instadeath upon entering new Russian heli from behind?
Last edited by lao on 2020-07-19 11:32, edited 1 time in total.

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