Tracker will be showing some projectiles.
icon types to make:
PROJECTILE_TYPE_MINE_VICTIM_AT (victim triggered AT mine)
PROJECTILE_TYPE_MINE_VICTIM_AP (victim triggered AP mine)
Maybe in the future:
-White pixels will be replaced by team color
-The icons can be rotated according to the projectile's yaw if you think its useful. We can also decide that only missile icons get rotated and mines/IEDs always "face north"
Partial submissions are welcome as well
Tracker 2d icons for projectiles
- PR:BF2 Developer
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Re: Tracker 2d icons for projectiles
Last edited by DeWolfe on 2020-11-11 21:32, edited 3 times in total.
- PR:BF2 Developer
- Posts: 2991
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Re: Tracker 2d icons for projectiles
These are amazing!
I think HAT should be slightly thicker, hard to see that pixel difference
Do you think could make a version of the AP/AT mines with an antenna? for the remote-detonated ones
I think HAT should be slightly thicker, hard to see that pixel difference
Do you think could make a version of the AP/AT mines with an antenna? for the remote-detonated ones
- PR:BF2 QA Tester
- Posts: 8
- Joined: 2014-08-09 13:48
Re: Tracker 2d icons for projectiles
Claymore can be only remote detonated so why separate icon needed? Just make a tiny mobile phone like detonator to landmineAlonTavor wrote:These are amazing!
I think HAT should be slightly thicker, hard to see that pixel difference
Do you think could make a version of the AP/AT mines with an antenna? for the remote-detonated ones
- PR:BF2 Developer
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Re: Tracker 2d icons for projectiles
Perfect!DeWolfe wrote:Claymore can be only remote detonated so why separate icon needed? Just make a tiny mobile phone like detonator to landmine
The victim-triggered AP refers to the IEDs in insurgency or veitnam bouncing-betty mines
- PR:BF2 QA Tester
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Re: Tracker 2d icons for projectiles
HAT - now bigger tandem warheadAlonTavor wrote:Perfect!
The victim-triggered AP refers to the IEDs in insurgency or veitnam bouncing-betty mines
tripwire grenade
- PR:BF2 Developer
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- PR:BF2 Developer
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Re: Tracker 2d icons for projectiles
That UAV rotating though xD
- PR:BF2 Developer
- Posts: 2991
- Joined: 2009-08-10 18:58
Re: Tracker 2d icons for projectiles
Since the UAV changes, too boring to fix.