BRZbruh wrote:Pretty sure this was mentioned already but the flags on the large layer are too far apart. If you keep the chinese at bay then it gets kinda boring and quiet at docks for a good portion of the game.
I played as PLA Marines yesterday on PRTA and I can say that it was our mistakes that slowed as down more then your defense of Docks:
1.) When we attacked Tango, nobody went behand flag to cut it off from further reinforcements, so you got that good FOB west of Tango that was pain in the *** to deal whit. Because of that, we effectively waved attacked flag for 15+ minutes until we got in and captured it.
2.) After that few squads stayed around Tango to "defend" it for extra 10 minutes even though Tango is uncapable flag. This and combination of "bad" trans really made issues later in game.
3.) Trans pilots pulled some questionably fly paths. That in combination whit Z-9 physics meant that for few times during game we lost all trans choppers. Still, they did relatively good job.
4.) While points 2 and 3 were happening, my squad jumped in jeep and preposition 2 crates on C10 and Airport for FOBs, but our driver flipped jeep in turn and when commander came in second one, both jeeps blow up. Because of this, it took as long walk to go to C10 and build one FOB. In that point we got blocked by Bradley+Hummwe+TOW line west of Docks, that we even pushed a bit whit just infantry.
5.) Only one squad tried to flank Docks from north/east whit boat, but because trans was in most cases out of commission, they were not able to place FOBs and got wiped out every time.
6.) Because of all events mention in past points, it took PLA Marines around 30 minutes at least to reorganize around Docks, build FOBs west and northwest of flag and start pushing onto flag.
7.) CAS did nothing. First CAS pilot died on landing, because Z-9 is Z-9 and I as second pilot died to AA gun (my bad for that). There were also 0 lazes and nobody wanted to go commander. On other hand, APC squad did good, until they got TKed while pushing enemy FOB.
8.) Because of all of this, It took as 50-60 minutes into the game to get in position to attack Docks whit around 120 tickets left. Here, combination of good FOB placement west/northwest of Docks, good mortar squad and aggressive APC (until it got TKed) gave us ability to just walk in Docks and make it neutral, but at that point we run out of tickets to carry on.
BRZbruh wrote:Also would be nice if china got 2 vn3s or something on the standard layer as only having cas against a Bradley isn't ideal.
Maybe extra 25mm IFV for now. Still, do not think heavy asset balance is to off. Bigger issue is light asset balance for Chinese. Extra logi and jeep would come nice in transition faze from Tango to Docks. Maybe also 20-40 extra tickets for PLA also.