B.S. sounds louder than anything?

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Joined: 2020-04-09 21:03

B.S. sounds louder than anything?

Post by WingWalker »

I keep my effects Vol up to 100% and my speakers loud, and in my experience that is a must. I perfer to hear someone walking 50 meters away.

So is there a trick to reduce the volume for the comms commands and the loud annoying auto verbal message ****?

"Move Here!"



They are all louder than your rifle, or a grenade going off.

I've never understood why that was made this way, but it is, and its loud and annoying as fuck.

Especially since you can't hear local on mumble at all unless you are 5ft from the person. If there is a way to turn local up but not squad let me know.

You could also say the same for just about any vehicle in PR, apparently all having a louder engine noise than F-18 doing a fly by.

I'm pretty sure sitting in a humvee you can talk to the guy next to you and hear him.
Posts: 97
Joined: 2020-11-04 10:26

Re: B.S. sounds louder than anything?

Post by rogdozz »

Dude, nobody keeps effects at 100%. Turn it down to 10% or something like that.

Being able to hear someone walking 50m away is not necessarily realistic anyways.
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