Played a great round on Shjija as the armor gunner, on 3:51:00 two our APCs were chasing Scimitar running to his mainbase. Running into safehouse from the firefight is not okay, be a man and face your fate. There should be no safehouses when you are engaged, yet our crews decided to play gentlemen and did not attack their mainbase.
link to tracker file: ... sp=sharing
The game ended with 11 tickets diff, and its almost luck. I always say: do not discuss what you did right to win with 10 tickets lead, think how would you be able to win with 100 tickets lead. This was exactly the step in winning with 100 tickets lead: they only had 1 chopper, no one but tank could do something about it (the only tank didn't have a gun working after I shot him twice), 2nd chopper spawned 2min after they left. Brits wouldn't have countered attack on their main for quite a moment since no one stayed on main to protect it nor there were no weapons for it; at the moment they had to wait 20min for arty. Ticket-wise it would have been a clean gain for us. And if you can jump into tank when apcs look at you trying to climb the armor is a rhetorical question.
As you know Shijia is "heli jump" map, and the cost to losing two of them is no mobility and no new fobs. A new opportunity like the one I describe didn't materialize due to a lack of battleplanning I guess. I was slightly disappointed we played so long and won with such a little margin, but everyone was civil and said gg at the end.
So my feedback on allowing to attack mainbases is that its lame. To counter it teams have to shift attention to protect mainbases. Instead of playing flags teams have to sit next to the main and counter-camp ignoring flags; at the end it turns into a deathmatch between mains with flags being a side quest. Just send two players, they put tow and shoot into main. There would be no better and shorter path to more solid victory. Ones who cant counter need to learn the game first.