I have been waiting since the update came to make this post about the removal of the Live cap so l could give feedback based on experience (I have my good share of experience in regularly SL) instead of concerns on how it affected SL and Teamwork.
Before this update you could see the live cap if you were attacking which gave you critical Info and tactical depth as a SL. Not only did it gave you info about what correct decision to make next, but it was pretty much realistically speaking the only important intel that SLs had to share besides call-outs and insentivated communication.
What did we loose?
SL wise
Tactical depth and decision making, and l cant stress how much was it lost and how it just makes the experience even harder. When you go inside a flag now you cant see if you are capping or not until 25% has been caped so this means l cant make a wild guess on how enemies there are on the flag.
Are there 7 and we were capping and another dude came in (we stopped capping), am l facing a full cohesive SQ and the flag cap wouldn't move on the 1st place, did l loose 3 of my guys and we started loosing cap, so should l stress them to respawn to keep the pressure or should l tell them to wait since the flag is going back and forward? Is it worth the risk of going to a Defensive building since we are slightly capping or do l hunt for their FOB and risk loosing my flag since we took a long time? How do l control my dudes (especially if they are new players or just randoms, its now even more exhausting to SL randoms and resisting the urge to kick bad players for your mental well being) to sit on the flag and listen to orders instead of going ADHD and attacking since we dont know if the flag is going back and foward and we just see 25% of progression and nothing in between? Forest combat with Caps of 300m, ohoohoh have fun guessing what's going on, just having to move around and stumble upon enemies which at that point you are taking casualties. I could keep going but l truly hope lm getting my idea across, although you didn't totally loose this information its severely reduced it to a stupid dumbed downed basic level
Teamwork wise (more focused on SL aspect)
Just wow. Are we capping? Im not sure. And this is how it goes now.
Being able to tell how the cap was going was honestly the only reason/way to get randoms to speak besides call outs, the coms are lower and less accurate, you basically lowered the power of communication. How is this a good change in a team oriented game that boats about superior teamwork?
Before I could let my team know that we are easily capping so they should either defend since a heavy attack could be coming or going for the next uncappable flag, but now l dont have the live info to to let my team know how to act on a tactical gamble that might work out or just be catastrophic. Do l need to really call for another SQ reinforcement or am l fighting with another cohesive SQ + some randoms going in and out? From my experience once you got the communication going from shy call outs to these in depth tactics thats how the real communication started, it was one of the few ways to get the team speaking/working on a snowball effect and a lot of the time being able to outplay the enemies or prepare better, but guess what thats now gone why are you going to spout some unsure/inaccurate to other SLs and it leads to a decrease in coms.
What did we gain?
Now your average Joe that came from a 2015 graphic game can look at the new HUD and understand it better, or think it doesnt look outdated

SLs are the backbone of PR, and right now there is a absolute over abundance of them as well as wild non stop intense SL coms and SQs coordination, you basically removed critical info that fomented more teamwork and rewarded knowledge in favor of what? As a SL this is just another step that makes me want not to bother and makes things more difficult, and having to rely on my SQ members skills which translates in the long term a circle jerk of my group of friends instead of welcoming randoms since its just going to be harder.
The only argument l can think of is that the goal is to make it like the defence cap but lm sry to say it doesnt have a positive outcome at all and the offence has a lot more risk and a higher skill gap than defence
TL,DR This was a uncalled change, it made SL harder and more draining, decreased the skill gap and tactical depth as well as possible teamwork inter SL. l dont have any suggestion at all on how to improve the system, absolutely revert this change l dont want to get the typical give it sometime and get used to the new system, which in this case is objectively worse.
Right now you have the chance to make PR worse forever, I beg you listen to us for the love of God if more people agree with this post