Ask the PR:F Team a Question

General discussion of the Project Reality Falklands modification.
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Re: Ask the PR:F Team a Question

Post by Ivancic1941 »

Rhino, frigate hehe :D
How is coding at moment?
I suppose Lynx pilot still needs to chase his helicopter once he lands and exit it(moving around)? I know your intend is that he doesnt have to exit as there is no anything to do outside, but maybe some people will be on heli so..
What if heli pilot will instantly spawn in heli,where will he get pilot kit(you would need to put it in spawn menu right)?
Will frigate crew had oportunity to get out of frigate onto life boat when hitted? I know if you attache like life boat onto frigate,and frigate is moving, life boat gets damaged because its attached..,so did you find solution?
Will there be new kit , "navy sailor" or "british frigate pirate" :D Maybe he get small scorpion gun and knife :D But seriously will there be? But that would require new soldier and texture,and new slot in spawn menu.. Maybe Lynx pilot and Sailors put together on one slot in menu?
And is still frigate made like; coated with material that doesnt hurt people so they can somehow walk on it.. or you coded something new?

I know you are not coding mashine or PR employee, but people didnt asked these kind of questions so just curious
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Re: Ask the PR:F Team a Question

Post by HellRanger2558 »

Ivancic1941 wrote:Rhino, frigate hehe :D
How is coding at moment?
I suppose Lynx pilot still needs to chase his helicopter once he lands and exit it(moving around)? I know your intend is that he doesnt have to exit as there is no anything to do outside, but maybe some people will be on heli so..
What if heli pilot will instantly spawn in heli,where will he get pilot kit(you would need to put it in spawn menu right)?
Will frigate crew had oportunity to get out of frigate onto life boat when hitted? I know if you attache like life boat onto frigate,and frigate is moving, life boat gets damaged because its attached..,so did you find solution?
Will there be new kit , "navy sailor" or "british frigate pirate" :D Maybe he get small scorpion gun and knife :D But seriously will there be? But that would require new soldier and texture,and new slot in spawn menu.. Maybe Lynx pilot and Sailors put together on one slot in menu?
And is still frigate made like; coated with material that doesnt hurt people so they can somehow walk on it.. or you coded something new?

I know you are not coding mashine or PR employee, but people didnt asked these kind of questions so just curious
Save a lot of coding time and just attach a supply crate to the frigate and anyone wanting to drive the frigate needs a crewman kit and the helo pilot needs a pilot kit.Easier than doing all the things you are suggesting.
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Re: Ask the PR:F Team a Question

Post by Rhino »

Coding is fine on the whole, as per the whole project has been on hold for some time as we work on other stuff but we will be firing it up again soon. Basic coding of most things has already been done thou some time ago, only a few small features I hope to get in are proving a little difficult to code but haven't given up on them yet.

As for the Lynx, it shouldn't be abandoned (after use) on the deck of the Frigate as there is no way to keep it from eventually falling off the back if someone has already taken off in it. If anyone wants to give it up for w/e reason, they should land it on the Carrier or the Atlantic Conveyor (although the latter is a bit risky since that can get destroyed and you will have to block the Chinook spawn for someone to spawn into it, which then if left abandoned, the Chinook will destroy when it spawns if it is empty, so Carrier is best option). But the Lynx will be able to land on the Frigate while it is moving and stay on the deck with some small flight adjustments to compensate for the Frigates movement but it won't be impossible to re-supply off the back of the ship for it.

Having the pilot instant spawn into the Lynx is one option we are considering but no way of having him spawn in with the pilot kit, without the pilot kit being on the spawn screen which would mean we would have to remove another kit from the spawn menu to do so. We haven't totally made our minds up here on what we are doing but got a few ideas flying about we will test out to see which works best.

As for "Life Boats", hopefully, we will have these but that depends on if it works the same way as I think it did in 1942. If it does then we already have them but yet to test it :p
And boats on the side, like the chopper, wont get damaged while the Frigate is moving. Only thing that might damage/destroy them is attacking jets etc.

There may be a kinda "crewman" kit for the Frigate but if we do this, will be mainly to stop people taking the AA and sniper kits while in the Frigate as well as possibly giving them a new "repair weapon". You also can't change the solider and camo he is waring after the player has spawned, only the kit he is waring over his clothes (backups, belts, helmets etc) so we could only have a proper sailor model if we added it to the spawn screen, and then hardly anyone will see the new kit geoms since most of the players will be deep inside the ship, in its Ops Room or Bridge, where only players you will see are the ones on the AAA guns.

The Frigate is coated in a material that doesn't hurt players, "in theory", but this doesn't prevent the odd "instant death for no reason" while walking around on the deck while the Frigate is moving that the Battleships BF2 mod also suffered from having. The main thing will be simply not to walk around on the deck while the ship is moving :p

Also FYI, the main thing left for me to do with the Frigate is finishing its textures (has a lot of pixel area that requires a lot of texture detail work), making full LODs and col meshes and finalising the export. Then it is on to finishing off the coding, sounds, effects etc which the rest of the team will be helping out with.
This is also on top of all the other new things that come with the Frigate and the new PR:F release that are all in the works at the same time so it isn't anything like as simple as just finishing off just one vehicle ;)
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Re: Falklands War Documentaries, History & Debate

Post by solidfire93 »

@Rhino any progress/update on the Frigate ?
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Re: Ask the PR:F Team a Question

Post by Rhino »

r/l has been pretty busy recently so not really done any PR work last month. Hoping things will ease up in the next few weeks and I'll be able to get back onto it but haven't actually touched the Frigate itself in some time, but finishing off its textures is next on my list :p
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Re: Ask the PR:F Team a Question

Post by Suchar »

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Re: Ask the PR:F Team a Question

Post by sweedensniiperr »

sweedensniiperr wrote:Also maybe the BAR shouldn't have select ROF in falklands(because the FAP didn't afaik?)
Will this be fixed? And maybe make the magazine 30?
Last edited by sweedensniiperr on 2018-12-05 13:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ask the PR:F Team a Question

Post by Jyvaskyla »

sweedensniiperr wrote:Will this be fixed? And maybe make the magazine 30?
"[...] complaint was that the longer 30-round magazine interfered with
use of the weapon when fired from the prone position. Neither
Argentina nor Israel even bothered with the larger 30-round
magazines and universally issued the standard 20-round
magazine for their SAWs."

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