It´s been a while. Alot of progress has been made since the last update. Operation Soberanía was made avaible for testing and work on several models and new ones has progressed very well. There is still a road ahead! Next in line will be updating the map with the feedback that has been provided and get the kits and other assets working in-game.
As mentioned in a previous post, 7game author of Combat Remastered mod has offered to give us a hand with the weapon animations. You can judge his work by yourself!
Modelled and textured by Rhino (original Sterling) and ismaelassassin, Animated by 7game
FN-750 (CZ-75)

Modelled and textured by PotatoLord, Animated by 7game.
**Revealing: Corvo Knife**
A double edged blade of unknown origin, it became widely used by chilean infantry in the 19th Century.

Modelled and textured by PotatoLord.
Unimog 426:

Modelled and textured by Uzay.
**Revealing: F-5 Tiger II:**
Purchased by the Chilean Junta in 1974 and delivered in 1976. There were very few operational F-5s during 1978 and they were the only modern air defences chile had against the massive Argentine air fleet.

Made by Clivewill from AIX mod, reskin by ismaelassassin.
This will be the last update for some time in this format. From now on any updates will be made in threads that will be made for each individual *stuff* that is being worked on. So see you around! As mentioned in a previous post, 7game author of Combat Remastered mod has offered to give us a hand with the weapon animations. You can judge his work by yourself!
Modelled and textured by Rhino (original Sterling) and ismaelassassin, Animated by 7game
FN-750 (CZ-75)

Modelled and textured by PotatoLord, Animated by 7game.
**Revealing: Corvo Knife**
A double edged blade of unknown origin, it became widely used by chilean infantry in the 19th Century.

Modelled and textured by PotatoLord.
Unimog 426:

Modelled and textured by Uzay.
**Revealing: F-5 Tiger II:**
Purchased by the Chilean Junta in 1974 and delivered in 1976. There were very few operational F-5s during 1978 and they were the only modern air defences chile had against the massive Argentine air fleet.

Made by Clivewill from AIX mod, reskin by ismaelassassin.