=HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Suchar »

People can be revived for 5 minutes after being wounded. I can't even place a rally point or build a quick FOB for my bled out squad members to spawn in time if you kick them for being afk for merely 7 minutes. This has happened to me a few times in the last few weeks. Today my squad member was kicked even after reporting to the admins that he is not afk and neither was another squad member kicked 20 seconds before. At least warn first to find out if players are really afk or just following orders.

Why are you punishing me and my squad for trying to keep my squad together and preventing it from draining tickets infinitely?
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by WingWalker »

=MeRk= BluFFeR wrote:I can confirm Sexy Saddam has no friends.......

With my negative experiences on HOG, Sexy Saddam was admin'ing with the "admin spam" and breaking up squads left and right the whole round...
Last edited by WingWalker on 2022-08-24 23:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Avatok »

My teammate got banned in the middle of the fight because of tk in previous round. When i asked how it can be. I got banned with "stfu" https://i.imgur.com/AmmX0AI.png.

You can not register in their forum when you are from 3rd country. When you asking with registration help nobody response in discord help chat.

Great server. Terrible admin's.

Got banned from discord btw calling 2ic brainless.

UPD: I realized that in 10+ years I don’t remember banning someone for a random teamkill from previous round. PR can provide new expierence lul

UPD2: Seems like after so many years of gaming and current situation in game with online any random people can end your expierence
Last edited by Avatok on 2022-09-03 18:30, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Coalz101 »

Avatok wrote: Got banned from discord btw calling 2ic brainless.
Insulting admins won't get you anywhere, especially in their own territory.

As much as I'm on their ignore/ban list I still won't insult admins other than in a friendly banter where we're talking shit about each other, nothing personal.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Risiko94 »

Coalz101 wrote:Insulting admins won't get you anywhere, especially in their own territory.

As much as I'm on their ignore/ban list I still won't insult admins other than in a friendly banter where we're talking shit about each other, nothing personal.
Except that admins insult the players all the time. But that seems to be ok with our PR Devs.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by WingWalker »

The stupid breaking up of squads continues...

This is getting really annoying.

I don't care who the admin was, it is HOG that supports them. Admins there never have an understanding of what the situation is before they break up the squads.

In my last case, I was with half the squad, on the cache, the other half had to re-spawn in the only spawns available, obviously away from our SQ.
Risiko94 wrote:Except that admins insult the players all the time. But that seems to be ok with our PR Devs.
This is true, came here to report something else, but I saw this today as well on HOG, the admin insulting people as he was warning them.

Its really annoying getting a better experience on SSG, Russian Reality, and Divsul, as well as the other newer servers with a ping twice as high.
Suchar wrote:People can be revived for 5 minutes after being wounded. I can't even place a rally point or build a quick FOB for my bled out squad members to spawn in time if you kick them for being afk for merely 7 minutes.
When I joined this particular round one of the admins was AFK in the main for several minutes, not sure how long because I had to walk across the map. I think its about 5-7mins walking from the US Main of Fallujiah to the north side of the map.

He seemed to jump into the APC suddenly later when the population got bigger.
Last edited by WingWalker on 2022-09-24 19:32, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by UncleSmek »

good server lately just dont forget to restart server after 50 games lol
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by PBAsydney »

DOD aircraft rule needs a carrier assault map exception, or you need to stop setting Pavlosk. US CAS can engage almost every flag from inside DOD and RU is not allowed to shoot back.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Mats391 »

Warning, resigning or even kicking players in the INS team during insurgency for not sticking together is a very weird way to try and improve gameplay. In insurgency the INS team is meant to spread out to find and engage BluFor wherever they try to enter the city. Simply using physical distance to determine whether the squad plays together is a very bad metric here.

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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Grump/Gump.45 »

Mats391 wrote:Warning, resigning or even kicking players in the INS team during insurgency for not sticking together is a very weird way to try and improve gameplay. In insurgency the INS team is meant to spread out to find and engage BluFor wherever they try to enter the city. Simply using physical distance to determine whether the squad plays together is a very bad metric here.
Only appropriate if they are not defending the cache at all on 50 vs 50 full server. Insurgents shouldn't move in squads in most situations. They should stay in view of each other and the cache as a squad. In order use these as bait. Cache is bait, then civilians in view of cache, and effective fighters giving enemy a hard time drawing a lot of fire. Starting from cache house, get 1 man per house, per bush before putting yourself as a 2nd man in there, divide the enemy fire and attention. While I am going through hell at the cache at time, I look at the map while taking cover looking at who isn't helping or near a cache. The players who play at less than 100% effects can't hear far away gunfire, I don't even think they know to help.

On 4x4 KM maps, being more than 1-1.5 KM away from any cache is not defending. Anti-air should not camp the main, issues there already in the rules. But they still camp main and never see the chopper, or get spotted lone wolfing by commander to be killed/avoided, kit taken and endlessly cycled denying AA kit. AA should use cache as bait to kill CAS from another location in view of cache. Things like this screw us over. On 1 KM maps 600 meters from cache is not defending. Unless they have SPG/rocket techi, roving .50 cal techis all over the map, mines or mortars.

These players not in view of the cache or another fighter, especially civilians walking toward enemy repeatedly getting arrested ruin the INS gameplay. Especially when the breachers over powered shotgun takes away all the teamwork, the point of having cuffs from BLUFOR when breacher actually moves with a squad. Also over rewarding lone wolfing cache ninja breacher who encounters civilians. Shotgun is over powered against experienced players, new players who don't even know it can arrest have no chance. Can't even use the rocks in a crowd together, only thing civilian can do to get killed by smartest player is pretend to take cover, look like armed silhouette.

Only things civilian can do is bait enemy into a chase to bring him to fighters to get killed or pretend to take cover. But repeatedly, bad players just walk towards enemy and give themselves up. Its sabotaging the team, I think intentionally so they can have their own fun being close to enemy, also giving cache locations faster so insurgency game mode can end faster.

All the insurgency game mode complaints because of BLUFOR assets and scopes, insurgents have binoculars and they don't even know to hide. They need to be reminded of ALL basics, including how being near somebody who doesn't know how or when to hide gets them killed by explosions aimed at exposed guy they are next to.

To be fair, the admins deal with a lot whether they fully understand these peoples intentions or not. Some people wait for players to get close to IED then run into the IED to "TK" using another persons explosive. Its these sneaky things done for their own fun or what they want to make happen.

That all damages the game play, they don't read the manual right away, they don't care about wasting time for successful civilians and if they do read manual they can't remember all the information. We literally tell them "help the cache" and "stop running towards enemy as civilians". They don't care or listen.

They are on the team, team talks basic strategy, they shouldn't do their own strategy out of view from cache unless it legit helps the team. Like taking out bridges.

Its simple. 1 man per house, 1 man per roof, 1 man per everything in view of each other starting from the cache. Fall into place. But moving as a bunched up squad is completely abandoned in insurgency because of scopes, So an insurgent draws fire from one corner/window, another moves or shoots. Actively using each other by watching or talking to each other.

We need a strategy, survival and tactic manual for these bad players, every detail anybody has ever seen go wrong. RPG firing when RKG was crawling to armor for long time. I see people going civilian, who is supposed to get killed, they put their hands up. They put their hands down when I say "they won't kill you if you put your hands up" showing that they have no common sense and need it written down in a manual to read. Its stressful for these player fixes to fall to me, saying it repeatedly to 1000 new players or the same guy several times. Then few spread the knowledge once learned or when encountering same issue.

Like if they are going to follow me around when I am also a civi, then they put their hands up next to me without getting "1 civilians per piece cover pretending to take cover". Like it really ruins the experience when I want to play, not constantly teach or baby sit.

All the insurgency game mode complaints because of BLUFOR assets and scopes, insurgents have binoculars and they don't even know to hide. They need to be reminded of the basics, including how being near somebody who doesn't know how or when to hide gets them killed.

Its not like AAS objective attacks unless attacking a FOB or taking a compound from the BLUFOR like Fallujah Alpha 6 house or Al Basrah VCP. Once its taken everyone needs to be 1 man per house, iron sight sniper mentality tactics, once I remind people to use binoculars they see more and kill rate goes up. This stuff needs to be listed in a manual.

I have standards for AAS conventional vs conventional, insurgent tactics and armor brigade tactics. Based around the same principle, stay in view of each other and objective. Its flexible, I can defend AAS objectives with insurgent tactics. It all just looks different.

Cache and civilians are bait for kills, but bad players neglect to use these things right. They don't get "1 man per house" they sit everyone inside the cache no matter what weapon or ammo is in their kit. They need to be taught how to play, even when its played on objective the way they do it is so basic, repeatedly mediocre and ineffective. Its a common event for APC to kill everyone in that building and know that is most likely the cache. Its common sense where somebody should know that is what the APC would think based on what they are doing.

We have 2 possible groups to make a manual on these simple tactics, the DEVs for the game and the admins for their servers. It needs to be somewhere players can read it. Typical admin actions make nothing better, they just get rid of the player, they don't make them better. A page on tactics to suggest alternatives, a list of things to do or inspire creative effectiveness. They would have more respect as a server if it taught a smarter way to play and fall into place for players. Learn a job they want to do, take the position among the brigade of fighters, assets or no assets.

Expect worse with a whole new generation getting onto Call of Duty, careless toxic people only there for their own fun and not the teams. Even them taking a techi to lone wolf and sit still on some corner like the enemy doesn't have scopes then they lose the techi close to enemy, we don't get it back. The manual needs every detail and tactic of survival individually, possible ways to effect battlefield as individual to enhance teamwork. They focus too much on the individual and not how they can contribute the individual to the team

Manual should not only be functions, it should be survival, teamwork, tactics, weapons possible uses and capabilities. Maybe mention you put scaled values or exact range specifications for weapons so they can do the same reasearch on the real thing. I did that for the German WW2 grenade launcher 1 day for player LoisGriffin, its actual arc max range is around 200 meters.

Teach them how to learn, because some people require teachers because school never taught them how to learn. How to literally find information themselves without being taught or pointed to the title of the subject to be researched.

Side note for the manual, a survival page would be nice, with a series of GIFs in an image box showing each 1 mortar, 1 RPG, 1 grenade, 1 jet bomb, 1 chopper missile taking out bunched up infantry and tanks. Just to teach them common sense, so they recognize when they are too close. I miss the old main menu where it showed the fighting, wish we could toggle it or still include it in the multiple possible menu screens.

We had better players in that main menu era. We could flash an image of not spreading out, everyone on 1 berm, then an image of spreading out everyone has their own berm being RPG spread. Start from desert berms, then desert foxholes then move to forests and jungle trees/bushes images. Firefight suppression, including a night fighting image. Stealth night knife kill from camouflage, then a pure hand to hand among some chaos. A better main menu showcase. Make a main menu and train players by insinuating pictures. Kill 2 or more birds with one stone. Show lame old basic everyone in a single spot, then show the same munition only killing 1 guy.

Manual not only needs the functions of the game, but there needs to be standard listed strategies. AAS conventional vs conventional, insurgent tactics, asset brigade mutual support in view of infantry, super FOBs and objective. Project Reality strategically plays like a live action board game with a lot of pieces that are supposed to support and protect each other.

Tank + APC + IFV + Anti-air vehicle/capabilities + jeeps + logistics repairs. But to fully see the benefits of this, players need to know what the vehicles have. Which is said what the vehicles have in the manual, but doesn't say how it all works together in one go. Lots of figuring out for themselves which leads to slow mediocre game play dependent on who is present and each individuals learning.

I grew fast because of studies and logical thinking to learn more from my own brains realizations (legs to grenades) then looking it up. Also strategic tactical theories of cause and effect, trying it with a communicated plan involving everyone shooting, getting shot at and being so spread only one man gets hurt per projectile. Manipulating the enemy by shooting and drawing fire.

Knowledge is the most powerful weapon, but people choose a kit over knowledge. I have no preference in kit, I just want weapons, knowledge and tactics are weapons. These players are not. They need to understand the big fighting brigade and their place in it. How teamwork works, by simply being in view of each other, its not always clearing buildings together.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Suchar »

Imagine adding the ability for players to see ban reasons only for admins to put 'stfu' in there.

Also imagine getting kicked for pointing that out in chat during briefing.




2IC in particular seems to do that frequently from what I've seen. It makes it really seem as if he acts impulsively.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Risiko94 »

It's not like i've been pointing out their abusive attitude for over a year, just to get insulted by Nate.
But i guess if something bad happens to a dev it's a different story.

Edit1: Sadly this forum does not support the clownemoji, but you get the idea.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Nate. »

Risiko94 wrote:It's not like i've been pointing out their abusive attitude for over a year, just to get insulted by Nate.
But i guess if something bad happens to a dev it's a different story.

Edit1: Sadly this forum does not support the clownemoji, but you get the idea.
You don't have exclusive rights to complain about HOG.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by lespyd »

Suchar wrote:Imagine adding the ability for players to see ban reasons only for admins to put 'stfu' in there.

Also imagine getting kicked for pointing that out in chat during briefing.




2IC in particular seems to do that frequently from what I've seen. It makes it really seem as if he acts impulsively.
Imagine me being the one advocating for it and highlighting the forgotten punkbuster function that allows one to so show warnings, would you rather know to STFU, then not know anything at all.

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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by granderslice »

Imagine me being the one advocating for it and highlighting the forgotten punkbuster function that allows one to so show warnings, would you rather know to STFU, then not know anything at all.

Imagine advocating and excusing poor admin behavior because of old coding.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by lespyd »

edit: not even going to bother, have a good one! Any one directly involved seeking remediation can go to the HOG forums.

Thank you all for your feedback. We shall take it under advisement. Frag on!
Last edited by lespyd on 2022-12-04 18:39, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by tobi-the-fraggel »

Some things never change, ey!? :mrgreen:

Why do you guys still fight the same fights - isn't it getting old?


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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Coalz101 »

tobi-the-fraggel wrote:Some things never change, ey!? :mrgreen:

Why do you guys still fight the same fights - isn't it getting old?
Hey if they don't, no one will. IN other words, Someone has to be complaining or there is no incentive to become better for those they are fighting against.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Risiko94 »

lespyd wrote:edit: not even going to bother, have a good one! Any one directly involved seeking remediation can go to the HOG forums.
Remediation on HOG:
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Grump/Gump.45 »

Risiko94 wrote:Remediation on HOG:
I got banned from HOG forums months ago without warning for posting in the DISCUSSION section after I made a post in another persons DISCUSSION thread. Justice the admin said something about posting in other peoples topics for all players, then I am banned after his warning to others. But thats not the only cause, that is what triggered it, I stood up to ONLY one bad admin a month before in my thread. Then gave interpersonal advice and different perspectives for players in discussion forum, having issues with each other. Listing alternative activities, mediation. https://www.hogclangaming.com/index.php ... servations

Banned for posting In the discussion section. Which discussion forum has no rules of its own so I just use all of HOG PR/Forum/Discord rules for posting on any of their platforms. Never said anything about post length and I'm not making 1000 posts when I could make one. This was of course after I posted about Daffugi. Making complaints about police officers puts you on their radar for harassments from their co-workers, just google the news headlines if you don't believe me. Its because the type of person who applies for power, it attracts bad people because of something they want that they benefit psychologically from regardless of harm done to others.

Same deal I believe happens here over the internet, being less dangerous dealing with psycho/socio paths or personality disorder in power over internet, but still remains unpleasant none the less.

My report against Daffugi was because for a long time of reasons against others, but what triggered it was he kicked me when he said to leave the logi truck in main. So many things wrong with that, because I was repairing APC on Grozny, seeding crates for DOD edge, building FOBs off the flags. Taking logi out of main isn't against rules unless its used as taxi. Not just because admin didn't want me using it, which only ever happened once. He said I said "or what? or what?" then kicked. But I said "for what? For what?". He said to leave the logi in main, when in reality any newbie could have then spawned in and took it. When I didn't break a rule in the first place. I said I would hand it off if somebody asked for it.

If you know who Blue Line supporters are as a majority when you see them speak, this mainly applies to the USA. It doesn't help that Justice is a Blue Line criminal justice degree person type, it all comes together to explain bad administrative decisions for minor or no actual infractions. Its based mostly on his personal annoyance. For example why that matters, I see the way the Blue Line profile picture accounts speak in comment sections of police videos, what they speak is vile, evil and filthy against innocent people who simply talked back to the police then get beat.

This is what we are dealing with for some admins who apply. They get angry when somebody talks back, which is subjective to the personality we are dealing with rather than the server administration as a whole. Do we really want this type of person I am about to expose you to? Blue Line police supporter symbols or personality. He applied for a position of power and thinks he is God. Good and bad people apply for positions of power. Lets acknowledge personalities disorders are a thing please, so we can reduce them in positions of power. Angry, frustrated, annoyed, intoxicated is not a state of mind to make decisions for others or yourself. But those are temporary emotions, what if its somebodies life long personality disorder?

I waited months to post this, making it now because I am reading over my old HOG forum posts.. Getting mad just even seeing the names Daffugi and Justice, knowing their personalities. They don't back down just like Lespyd even when wrong.

Reason Justice said I was banned in a single Discussion post under a thread, no warning. Just banned. "Don't post in other peoples discussion topics" like a memo to other posters which nobody will see, then I am banned. Completely ineffective. But here are the reasons I am banned they didn't say... I stood up to the bad ones, only the bad ones. IF I didn't say a bad admin name, I describe their personality, they know its them I am talking about and they get offended. They get offended when people show nobody likes them, but that is all the time whether they know somebody hates them or not. https://www.hogclangaming.com/index.php ... servations

They really need to think about what somebody brings to the server platforms, whether an admin or a player. He just brings another admin number to it and got me banned because he doesn't like what I have to say when there is no rule governing in Discussion what I can say except the general PR/Discord rules and Ban Appeals has its own rules. This is what I brought to the platform. https://www.hogclangaming.com/index.php ... rs-players

I can't this type of personality, due to what it exudes I am sure nobody else can either. Anytime you see them you dread it cause its never anything good. They don't take suggestions for better actions to positively manipulate problem causers because their type is one of them.

I frequently see signs of authoritarian personality disorder within this Blue Line type of person once they actually get power. We deal with them a lot in the USA as "Karens". It needs to be screened for in the administration.

Their type says its for the standard official rules, but then they get personal with how they feel as an individual towards something when there is no rule. Not putting on the lens of the server to look through, they go off what their own mind thinks. Highly opinionated to the point they show that they feel their opinion should be the only power. That is why they go for power.

I got banned on the forums a few months ago for posting in HOG PROJECT REALITY DISSCUSION forum without any warning months ago for "posting in other peoples situations" Justice said. What I posted was Dr.Phil style interpersonal mediation and solutions for players with issues.

I am sure if it was a multiple admin decision it wasn't made by all of them, due to the toxic nature of Lespyd being what I assume WAS the leader of HOG (its worst ERA) I believe he approved of me being removed without warning. Always walked on egg shells before Devs spoke up. Either that or its Justice himself. It says nothing in the HOG forum/PR or discord rules for posting for rules I broke on forum to be removed.

Just banned because I can handle situations without being a toxic authoritarian. I like Dr. Phil. I honestly only tried to set an example of how to speak not rudely to people with issues with each other, server admins or whatever. Set a cordial tone, not authoritarian. Especially when they defended bad admins who are now gone.

For giving my 2 cents on situations that happen in server between players, giving suggestions for alternatives to players on how to in interpersonally handle things or list off alternative activities when they don't get what they want. I do the same in game to prevent them from taking small issue to admin.

Like Lespyd, who almost never played, it seems they are only there to exert their power on people. 219 matches over 2 years. I feel like he was just an SJW that wanted to infiltrate HOG or something. Everything got so much more woke, so much more strict. Awake is the proper way to be, not woke. That is just double speak of the status quo being forced upon us. https://prstats.tk/player/9291/lespyd

Edit behaivoral archive: Guess calling out authoritarians made them mad challenging the disorder, exacerbating it as back of the head feeling, they have then they go and say to a player "Do you know who the f*** I am" before banning him for a mistake of crashing car, just going by what the player said happened.


I was playing a project reality game and i was leaving the spawn with a smaller car. At this point my poor driving led to crash and i crashed into a van. At this a point as I was apologizing the person driving the other was yelling "Do you know who the fuck I am?" soon after this i got perma banned for trolling. I have visited the server rules and i know i did something wrong but i'd still like to play on this server"
Here is my pr ID:
Last edited by Grump/Gump.45 on 2022-12-28 17:27, edited 12 times in total.
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