Bleed Effect is Impairing and Detrimental to gameplay

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Re: Bleed Effect is Impairing and Detrimental to gameplay

Post by Suchar »

The visual effect was removed (temporarily, I hope) but the other effects are still present. You can notice flags from your minimap still disappear and as someone mentioned already, there is also a specific sound soldier makes. Another thing is stamina which doesn't regenerate. All this happens if your health is below 10%.
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Re: Bleed Effect is Impairing and Detrimental to gameplay

Post by dcm »

Nate. wrote: Afaik there is no black and white effect any more. I also noticed that I fall dead without realising that I was "black and white" as it was used to be called.
I know. I was being hyperbolic. I was comparing the grey screen to an old monochrome movie.
Suchar wrote:The visual effect was removed (temporarily, I hope) but the other effects are still present. You can notice flags from your minimap still disappear and as someone mentioned already, there is also a specific sound soldier makes. Another thing is stamina which doesn't regenerate. All this happens if your health is below 10%.
I still dont like it.

How about a trade off then? No grey screen. Retain sprint at all times. But bleed rate increases temporarily when sprinting? Audio cues are unaffected.
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Re: Bleed Effect is Impairing and Detrimental to gameplay

Post by Grump/Gump.45 »

I feel for a more realistic approach, i dont know hit box capability limitations. But not all wounds cause bleeding out. Non-artery and non-bone hits hits you are good to go with a patch wrapping or stuffing it. Even shot in bone you could splint it enough for support to move. Reduce max stamina. Inner frame of limbs is arteries, outer frame of body is mostly muscle.

Now onto how this reflects the bleed effect, once at 20-50% blood loss it should show vision fading. Ill study into survivors experiences and medical more for detail. I notice no bleed effects at 1% from a slight graze in game, maybe up this to 10-15%.

Outer frame of body hit box vs inner frame arteries maybe? Or even more accurate internal model hitboxes for artery and bone frame lines. One line is structure, another is liquid. Then the actual size of the projectile in relation to it, would like to see a representation, bullets make tiny entry holes. The tracers look huge.
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Re: Bleed Effect is Impairing and Detrimental to gameplay

Post by Killer2354 »

iirc bleeding in PR is purely based on a health %. If you're above this percent, you don't bleed. If you fall below it, you bleed. It doesn't matter how much damage you take, only if your health goes below the health threshold. It's done this way because, from what I remember it being explained, there isn't another way to do this. It's why patches heal a % of your health and why getting shot by some weapons or shot multiple times takes multiple patches. If you get shot IRL, you're gonna need a patch. You will almost certainly bleed to death if you don't use anything to stop bleeding from a gunshot, even if you didn't get hit in the artery.

I don't think the game can support different hitboxes like that. In a contemporary sense, if it wasn't hardcoded, someone would have done that by now. It's still technically possible, but not really realistic that it'll be done.
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