anantdeathhawk wrote:How does this e_muzz tweak file of the lav25 is included in the normal tweak file.
Say, i want to add distant sounds to F-16, so how can i add this e_muzz code files, shall i copy any other jet's file if there is for f16 and replace distant sound for it.
So in us_jet_f16, find GenericFirearm and locate the e_muzz_tunguska line.
Go to and open e_muzz_tunguska.tweak in Notepad.
In ObjectTemplate.activeSafe Sound S_e_muzz_tunguska_Start, add the following sound settings from a muzzle flash with distant sounds like e_muzz_mg42:
Code: Select all
ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser "jaymz"
ObjectTemplate.lowSamples 2147483647
ObjectTemplate.mediumSamples 2147483647
ObjectTemplate.soundFilename "objects/weapons/common/sounds/Distantshots/mg3_distant.ogg"
ObjectTemplate.loopCount 1
ObjectTemplate.is3dSound 1
ObjectTemplate.stopType 1
ObjectTemplate.volume 0.6
ObjectTemplate.pitch 1
ObjectTemplate.reverbLevel 1
ObjectTemplate.pitchEnvelope 0/1/0.9/1.1/1/1/0/0.97/1.04/
ObjectTemplate.minDistance 10
ObjectTemplate.halfVolumeDistance 700
Though for adding distant sounds, you would need to add ObjectTemplate.position and make sure it's the same value as ObjectTemplate.setPosition 1.21608e-007/-0.00388084/-0.107221.
So you would need to add to the sound settings:
Code: Select all
ObjectTemplate.position 1.21608e-007/-0.00388084/-0.107221
Which will allow the sounds to synchronize properly.
You can then make a copy of e_muzz_tunguska.con and e_muzz_tunguska.tweak into a new folder, can call it for example e_muzz_f16, paste it in there, rename the files to e_muzz_f16, then open both files and replace e_muzz_tunguska with e_muzz_f16.
Don't forget to rename
Code: Select all
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate e_muzz_tunguska
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 1.21608e-007/-0.00388084/-0.107221
Code: Select all
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate e_muzz_f16
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 1.21608e-007/-0.00388084/-0.107221