vBF2/PR 3dsMax Tools - Import/Export/Lightmaps/Animation - Max 9 and newer!

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Re: vBF2/PR 3dsMax Tools - Import/Export/Lightmaps/Animation - Max 9 and newer!

Post by Outlawz7 »

Only other thing I can think of is that map contains none of the statics in mods\bf2\objects?

Otherwise I tried importing myself and it imported without helpers when objects were extracted.
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Re: vBF2/PR 3dsMax Tools - Import/Export/Lightmaps/Animation - Max 9 and newer!

Post by Harmonikater »

Couple of question to clarify:
* Since you mention mods/bf2/, are you importing a vanilla bf2 map with bf2 objects only?
* If so, is your mod base path (in the setup windows) set to mods/bf2 as well?
* Can you import single meshes directly using the StaticMesh Import function under utilities?
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Re: vBF2/PR 3dsMax Tools - Import/Export/Lightmaps/Animation - Max 9 and newer!

Post by MariusMaximus »

Harmonikater wrote:Couple of question to clarify:
* Since you mention mods/bf2/, are you importing a vanilla bf2 map with bf2 objects only?
* If so, is your mod base path (in the setup windows) set to mods/bf2 as well?
* Can you import single meshes directly using the StaticMesh Import function under utilities?
Yes and no. It's Gulf of Oman with custom statics as well.

As for your second point, what "setup windows" are you referring to? I am actually not that good with 3DS Max, hence why I guess I am having my current issue. But to my credit, back in 2015 I did manage to import and lightmap with 3DS Max and I never had this issue with the previous POE2 3DS Max tools. I retraced all my steps, even while using the old guides for lightmapping and it doesn't seem as if I am missing something.

What version of 3DS Max are you using? Both the year version and bit version.

I tried to import a static and it loaded just fine when using the "mesh importer" function under the utilities. So something tells me that the paths are not set properly. These are my map and mod paths:

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Re: vBF2/PR 3dsMax Tools - Import/Export/Lightmaps/Animation - Max 9 and newer!

Post by AllStaRs1 »

Good day to the fine gentlemen of this community. Can someone please provide me the max files for the vanilla 1p hand rig and 3p soldier rig? I need those max scene files so I can start creating weapon animations that are both vanilla and AIX-friendly. Im not yet a professional BF2 animator but I am already long past the rookie stage. I spent hours creating animations for a pump-action shotgun using the BF4 hand rig but the rig itself is not vanilla and AIX-friendly when it comes to in-game visual appearance.
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Re: vBF2/PR 3dsMax Tools - Import/Export/Lightmaps/Animation - Max 9 and newer!

Post by izmash »

Hey, some time ago i post reply in advanced lightmaping tutorial about problem that i encountered and i found out what was causing it.
This is screenshot of error appearing when i was trying to lightmap:

The reason that this error were occuring, was because of object "24m" or probably it's name for sure which is only 3 signs. I'm not 100% sure but in lightmaps.ms line:

Code: Select all

if lodPart.name.count > 3 then
generates strange lightmap name if object name have 3 and less digits.

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