Submitting bug reports (Guidelines)

If you find a bug within PR:BF2 (including PRSP), please report it here.
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PR:BF2 Lead Developer
Posts: 2176
Joined: 2016-10-12 13:25
Location: Poland

Submitting bug reports (Guidelines)

Post by Suchar »

Reporting Exploits

Sometimes you find a bug that could be exploited or should not be posted publically for various reasons. In such cases, please do not make a thread in these forums. Instead, send a private message to the Lead QA. You should find him on this list, otherwise send it to any other lead developer. The message itself should follow the same template as other bug reports (see below).

Bug Report Template

Post title: Subject & Problem

Game version:
[vX.X.X.X] - to be found in the PR Launcher ---> Support in the top right window corner or in the game's main menu in the upper left corner
Map, gamemode, layer:
[Map name, game mode and layer; if unknown, provide the approximate date, hour and time zone]
Server name:
[if not a dedicated (online) server, list as local (offline)]
[A detailed description of the issue]
Steps to reproduce:
[Clear and concise steps to reproduce the issue]
Screenshots / Video:
[Relevant screenshots / video or copies of BR + Tracker]

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