Thank you for making this suggestion, keep verbalizing the ideas in game to spread them.
1 man should be able to drag any small crate, as I can demonstrate with my own light supply crate IRL.
2 men on big crates, leading the way of the first man who grabs it like the driver of the crate.
I want to be able to drag enemy crates too, saves munitions when destroying.
But this requires allowing everyone to drag, as you don't want just medics being the only people capable of dragging.
Its the alternate right mouse knife button for sure. Right mouse button for the knife should be drag interact key for friendly, enemy, both bodies, and crates. Even "drag" but really flip physics vehicles vehicles please.
I am sure a full squad can flip a Humvee if we make a mistake, so make one guy really weak unless its a RHIB half in the water. It would be awesome if civilians could flip enemy vehicles as part of a riot. Even more realism.
Which leads me once again, back to this.
Which I am surprised the "switch instant shotgun arrest to stamina removal on civilians" suggestion hasn't made it in yet. I told people to send that suggestion in, cause we can civilian riot, but not when a lone wolfing breacher or breacher with his squad is roaming around to mow every civilian down in 5 seconds.
I am going to make videos demonstrating what happens when civilians try to crowd up to throw rocks, while showing what we can already do if you would just make shotguns remove stamina against civilians. Exact health bar damage at distance, but switched to stamina. Its non-lethal.
Another idea within this, how to let us shoot while bayonet fixed. Bind a switch to shoot weapon button to the knife button for bayonets, by pressing 1 again like change fire rate while bayonet active. Like how bipod deployed MG34 has its select fire set on the 4 for bipod.
Still have to bind reload weapon to work on bayonet for when bayonet selected. Could have it show indicator bottom right A(Automatic), 1(semi-auto), 3(burst) and D(Drag).
Everybody can drag everybody, crates and bodies. Dragging bodies is already integral to using the knife. Right mouse button knife drag for everything please. Not allowed to shoot while dragging, cause its under knife selector switch for RMB shoot/drag.
1 Man per piece of cover, Move cover to cover. In view of each other to save each other by shooting, distraction, division of enemy attention and ammo. 1 man hit per RPG/tank shell/mortar spread formation full time. Edge of cap zone. Use camouflage, police up each others exposure, no man seen sticking out. Scan aggressively with eyes and ears for anything suspect, even for birds disturbed to fly out of trees