ISIS as a faction?

General discussion of the Project Reality: BF2 modification.
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Re: ISIS as a faction?

Post by DankLoser »

I think the Insurgents are supposed to be ISIS
=DRK= dio_brando4
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Re: ISIS as a faction?

Post by =DRK= dio_brando4 »

DankLoser wrote:I think the Insurgents are supposed to be ISIS
nope they represent many different insurgencies not just DAESH.

Why do they let me use a tank? I'm just gonna blowup that knat we passed 50 minutes ago.
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Re: ISIS as a faction?

Post by Rabbit »

DankLoser wrote:I think the Insurgents are supposed to be ISIS
LOL, no. PR made their insurgents the absolutely lowest level, which is a shame.

AfSoccer "I just don't see the natural talent."
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Re: ISIS as a faction?

Post by Jacksonez__ »

Rabbit wrote:LOL, no. PR made their insurgents the absolutely lowest level, which is a shame.
aren't "insurgents" just 2003 iraqi rebels? :roll: RPG-7s and rocks, what else would they have
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Re: ISIS as a faction?

Post by Rabbit »

Jacksonez__ wrote:aren't "insurgents" just 2003 iraqi rebels? :roll: RPG-7s and rocks, what else would they have
They are more like the guys who were like " I dont like that sunni fuck next door, imma gonna shoot him". AQI and other major groups were much better armed Especially in the ToD.

AfSoccer "I just don't see the natural talent."
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Re: ISIS as a faction?

Post by QuickLoad »

i agree with jackson they seem like 2003 insurgents encountered by the USMC in Iraq
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Re: ISIS as a faction?

Post by Rabbit »

QuickLoad wrote:i agree with jackson they seem like 2003 insurgents encountered by the USMC in Iraq
The bullshit ones? Yeah they are, look up real shit troops were finding around places like fallujah though.

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AfSoccer "I just don't see the natural talent."
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Re: ISIS as a faction?

Post by X-Alt »

Rabbit wrote:The bullshit ones? Yeah they are, look up real shit troops were finding around places like fallujah though.

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Re: ISIS as a faction?

Post by Tenke420 »

People seem to forget this is Project REALITY.... ISIS is awful, yes, but its a realistic faction to add in, could have some good maps and game play out of it...
Not like America is perfect, look at all the civilians they've killed.... good example is WW2.... there was no mercy there.
This is a game based on realism.... more factions, more maps... the better, makes the game more interesting...
all though you'd just get stuck on muttrah anways.. LOL
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Re: ISIS as a faction?

Post by shifty454 »

Tenke420 wrote:People seem to forget this is Project REALITY.... ISIS is awful, yes, but its a realistic faction to add in, could have some good maps and game play out of it...
Not like America is perfect, look at all the civilians they've killed.... good example is WW2.... there was no mercy there.
This is a game based on realism.... more factions, more maps... the better, makes the game more interesting...
all though you'd just get stuck on muttrah anways.. LOL
maybe you shoud check a bit more the forum and see that the ISIS faction is a work in progress but it take time to create something ... i-etc.html
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Re: ISIS as a faction?

Post by Ratface »

Tenke420 wrote:People seem to forget this is Project REALITY.... ISIS is awful, yes, but its a realistic faction to add in, could have some good maps and game play out of it...
Not like America is perfect, look at all the civilians they've killed.... good example is WW2.... there was no mercy there.
This is a game based on realism.... more factions, more maps... the better, makes the game more interesting...
all though you'd just get stuck on muttrah anways.. LOL
Get modding then, Capt Miller has started the faction to an extent already, check the modding section and feel free to help him out. The only thing stopping a faction is lack of participants.

Edit: Oops, previous guy pretty much said what I said, my bad :P

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Re: ISIS as a faction?

Post by MustafaAbd0 »

Rabbit wrote:They are more like the guys who were like " I dont like that sunni fuck next door, imma gonna shoot him". AQI and other major groups were much better armed Especially in the ToD.
that's literally ISIS :D (i hate them)
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Re: ISIS as a faction?

Post by Algama »

We have Israel, we have the U.S.A. Vietnam, we have Hamas, we have the Taliban and we have the Nazis, So they are defending the murder of civilians, sexism and Nazism?


While I understand that ISIS is a controversial group (like the Nazi army, al-qassam etc) everything would be done from a neutral point of view, I see that the Nazis are in the game and I don't see anyone making apologies for them, the PR community is too mature to fall into "apologies", so it is assumed that they know how to behave. Also, I would say "Replace" instead of "Add", replace the rebel faction since it is very poorly armed even for a rebel group, the medics only have a WWII submachine gun or nothing and you can still see that they use Mosin 1891 and SKS, but by adding ISIS all that would be removed and replaced by better equipment.

Rifleman-Type-56 or AK-47

Medic-FN-FAL or AKMS

Anti-tank-M-16 or Type 56-1

Breacher-MP5 or any shotgun

Squad Leader-AK-74 or M-16A2

automatic rifleman-PKM

Grenadier-AKM (with GP-25)

and they could replace the rebels on all maps
Sam Harris
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Re: ISIS as a faction?

Post by Sam Harris »

A mod has kindly brought to my attention that one of my posts had infracted a forum rule. With this in mind, I am hereby submitted an edited version of that post, with (what I presume were) the offensive parts redacted. I hope that this content falls within what is allowed by the rules of the forum. Message begins:

Very pleased to see how this is moving forward.

While I understand and respect that political sensitivities are an issue, they really shouldn't hamper gameplay, realism, or fun.

I mean take the other day; I was chatting with someone on local voice, and he mentioned a second-generation Rwandan immigrant to the UK who had recently stabbed three little girls to death there. As a shorthand, I used the word [REDACTED], which the server admin felt was a good reason to place a two-week ban, despite the fact that I had intended nothing more than saving a few syllables while referring to a no-good murderous [REDACTED].

Since prohibition against the word is enforced by bullying of one sort of another ("don't say that or I'll punch you in the face!", "don't say that or I'll ban you!", "don't say that or I'll jail you" etc), it seems natural to use it if only to be sure that I am around normal healthy civilised men, and not [REDACTED] who are merrily watching their own lands being gifted away to people who genuinely believe that ISIS is the best thing since sliced bread.

Keep up the great work, and never give the soy boys an inch!
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Re: ISIS as a faction?

Post by dcm2 »

I dont understand the controversy. Are some people so narcissistic, so caught up in themselves, so caught up in their own virtue signaling, that they are completely unable to separate themselves from the avatars they inhabit in a virtual space? It's just like those pussies, who always switch to the american or russian team on ww2 maps because they dont wanna be nazis. Retards. These kinda people make the world worse by existing. Their insistence at not being "the bad guys" ruins the fun for the rest of us. Besides being the bad guys is always more fun. You're not limited by any petty morality or social restraints. It's fun to be the bad guy. It's fun to be something you're not.

Playing as ISIS would be fun. I answer the call of jihad!
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