Faction Progress Update
It's been quite a while since our last update on the forums, we've had some major progress since then. The soldier textures, kit models and textures plus some new weapons and vehicles are ready and implemented into the game.
First of all, for more frequent updates and engaging in discussions regarding Iranian Army and Turkish Armed Forces factions (and some other potential factions) you can join our discord server using the link below:
Alright now let's get to the goodies
Soldiers and Kits
(face textures not final)

With the efforts of our team members, we've been able to finish the soldier textures, make new kit models and texture them!
The soldier textures were done thanks to the tireless endeavors of the following IR faction team members:
Har - 767676 - Can -
The kit models were done by me, with the great texture work of
[R-COM]M.MCC allowing them to shine in game.
For the vehicles and weapons, all of the codes and implementations are done by
[R-COM]M.MCC with
[R-DEV]rPoXoTauJIo's support and guidance.
Panha 2091
original model from PR, modified by me and texture tweaks done by
Bell 214A Isfahan
original model from PR (UH1N), modified by me and texture tweaks done by
[R-COM]M.MCC and a ton of help for the details by
M47 Dragon / Saeghe 2 Anti Tank Launcher
Model by me, texture done by
[R-COM]M.MCC and animation done by the brilliant Mohammed Furqon. It'll be used by the Heavy Anti-Tank kit.
H&K G3A4 Battle rifle
Originally made for the Norwegian Forces but it unfortunately never made its way into the game. We redesigned and retextured the sliding stock following
[R-DEV]Tim270's advise. Animation modified by Mohammed Furqon.
Valmara V-69 Anti Personnel Mine
Model done by Chokyto, textures by
[R-COM]M.MCC. Will be used by the Rifleman Anti-Personnel
kit, hopefully bringing a new life to this kit.
DIO RPG7 Rocket Launcher
Just a small modification on the handgrip (uses G3 one) and the rear grip is a new model. Texture modified by
[R-COM]M.MCC. It'll be used by the Rifleman Anti-Tank and alt Heavy Anti-Tank kits.
A special thanks to the Project Reality Team for all the feedbacks and helps they've provided for this faction so far!
Our progress is constantly updated in the
faction plan sheets, so make sure to check that out too. Stay tuned for future updates!