Operation Marlin v1.0[/CENTER]
Hi Soldiers !
I'd like to introduce you the changes you will find on Operation Marlin in the version 1.0 of Project Reality.
Any comments you have written since the release of this map convinced me to make structural changes.
The main idea of these changes is to expand the battlefield all around the map and allow the infantry to move with more discretion and protection.
So, I've created a new combat zone in the middle-south of the map, named Dam. Between flags and empty areas, I added forests to protect and hide soldiers. Also you will find many modifications inside the main city for hiding or making ambushes. Saint Tropez Resort and UN outpost have being re done with basements under buildings, as French Embassy, for having more fun fights.
Now, enough words and let me show what it looks like ...
New Minimap
[CENTER]Minimap in High Resolution
New Places
UN Outpost
Saint Tropez Resort
Inside Main City
some examples inside city (before/now)
New GamePlay
The good news is ... after having waited two years ... that you'll fight with French Forces, or against ...
Thanks to the French Forces team ([R-DEV]Hauteclocque, [R-CON]Sgt_Doctor, [R-CON]Bao, aXoCHaPo, ...), without them, nothing would have been possible. Thanks to PR Team for having corrected, optimized, debugged and integrated the French Army in Project Reality.
On to Operation Marlin, the French Army fight under the flag of the United Nations. So French soldiers wear the blue helmet and french vehicles have UN camo !
Same flags as V0.98
Always Night gameplay but with a new ambient sounds, and soldiers will be darker.
Two game modes : standard and infantry
You can find (or defend) ammo boxes hidden into Saint Tropez Resort.
Insurgents will have more weapons and more civilian jeep technicasl.
Three games mode : standard, alternative and infantry
New gamemode to discover alone
Three game modes : standard, alternative and infantry
Each mode has 6 routes of 6 flags ( it was 5 routes of 5 flags on v0.98 ) and now the ticket bleed run only after having taken the last flag !
Time to spawn vehicles, time to take flag, radius of flags will be different following the game mode.
- 1x Transport MI-17 ( aas standard / aas alternative )
- 1x Transport SA-341h ( aas infantry )
- 2x Tank T-72 ( aas standard )
- 2x Apc BMP-2 ( aas standard / aas alternative )
- 2x Apc BTR-60 ( aas standard / aas alternative )
- 2x Truck Logistic ( aas standard / aas alternative / aas infantry )
- 2x Truck Support ( aas infantry )
- 2x Jeep UAZ_mg ( aas standard / aas alternative )
- 3x Jeep UAZ_mg ( aas infantry )
- 2x Jeep UAZ ( aas standard / aas alternative / aas infantry )
[CENTER]aas standard
- 1x Transport UN Chinook ( aas standard / aas alternative )
- 1x Transport AS 565MB Panther ( aas infantry )
- 2x Tank Leclerc ( aas standard )
- 2x Apc VBCI ( aas standard / aas alternative )
- 4x Apc VAB ( aas standard / aas alternative / aas infantry )
- 2x Truck GBC 180 Logistic ( aas standard / aas alternative / aas infantry )
- 2x Truck GBC 180 Support ( aas infantry )
[CENTER]aas standard
A special thanks to the Canadian Forces, to have fought with honor and courage during these two years in Operation Marlin
It's time, now, for France to enter the battle ...
Hope you like these changes and enjoy them !