What happened to all the fun people who use to play this game?

General discussion of the Project Reality: BF2 modification.
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What happened to all the fun people who use to play this game?

Post by dcm2 »

Where is everybody? Where have all the fun people gone? When I check prspy, nobody I know is on. I cant find anyone on steam either.
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Re: What happened to all the fun people who use to play this game?

Post by RA::LUNG »

I'm back 8-) :twisted:
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Re: What happened to all the fun people who use to play this game?

Post by dcm2 »

RA::LUNG wrote: 2025-01-02 04:01 I'm back 8-) :twisted:
I have no idea who you are
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Re: What happened to all the fun people who use to play this game?

Post by Grump/Gump.45 »

You have to make people be fun by teaching. Fun in this game is defined by tactical creativeness and skill level. Otherwise its just 2 teams throwing themselves pretty aimlessly at each other with slight lone wolfing or full on lone wolfing. Falling back into old habits I tried to break over the years.

Intensity, it comes from survival and prolonged fire fights.. A bullet storm.

If you want players to play in a way that is more fun, its the 1 man per piece of cover with bullet storm encouragement instructions. You must put in the work and drill the instructions, even just 5 aspects of it. Be the booby trap as a unit, scan aggressively.

Turn the bullet storm on and off, max out super FOB assets. What does PR have that makes it fun? What can you do in the game?

You are given objectives in the game, too much "Squad leader, what are we going to do?" questions going on and not "Squad leader, how will we get the objective?"... We will survive to minimize friendly casualties and maximize control of enemy by...

"1 man per piece of cover/concealmeant, move cover to cover, in view of each other to save each other, 1 man hit per tank shell (RPG, mortar, etc) spread formation. Scan aggressively, be eye level with your cover, your weapon sights and target zone, show no more than your head."

For suppression "Sweep and double sweep deep aimed at the height of a man, sending bullets trajectory as deep as you can, 1 bullet per square inch. Preventative fire, suppression, fire superiority, pre-fire." (1 bullet per square inch with double tap on the sweep back)

"Divide the enemy fire and attention between each other, distract by being seen, firing, using friendly as bait and being bait yourself. Take cover, dodge incoming fire, waste the enemy time, attention and ammo, bring enemy attention away from other friendly"

"1 hombre por pieza de cobertura/ocultamiento, muévase de cobertura en cobertura, a la vista unos de otros para salvarse mutuamente, 1 hombre golpeado por cada proyectil de tanque (RPG, mortero, etc.) en formación extendida. Escanee agresivamente, esté al nivel de los ojos con su cobertura. , las miras de tus armas y la zona objetivo no muestran más que tu cabeza."

Para supresión "Barrido y doble barrido profundo dirigido a la altura de un hombre, enviando la trayectoria de las balas lo más profundo posible, 1 bala por pulgada cuadrada. Fuego preventivo, supresión, superioridad del fuego, pre-fuego". (1 bala por pulgada cuadrada con doble toque en el barrido hacia atrás)

"Dividir el fuego y la atención del enemigo entre sí, distraerse siendo visto, disparando, usando amigos como cebo y siendo cebo usted mismo. Cúbrase, esquive el fuego entrante, haga perder el tiempo, la atención y la munición del enemigo, desvíe la atención del enemigo de otros amigos. "


«один человек на укрытие/маскировку означает, перемещайтесь от укрытия к укрытию, на виду друг у друга, чтобы спасти друг друга, 1 попадание на каждый танковый снаряд (РПГ, миномет и т. д.) разбрасывает строй. Сканируйте агрессивно, будьте на уровне глаз с укрытием». , прицелы вашего оружия и зона прицеливания не показывают ничего, кроме вашей головы».

Для подавления «Размах и двойной проход по глубине, направленный на рост человека, посылая пули по траектории как можно глубже, 1 пуля на квадратный дюйм. Превентивный огонь, подавление, огневое превосходство, предварительный огонь». (1 пуля на квадратный дюйм при двойном постукивании по стреловидности назад)

«Разделяйте огонь и внимание противника между собой, отвлекайте внимание, будучи замеченными, стреляйте, используйте дружественных в качестве приманки и сами будьте приманкой. Укрывайтесь, уклоняйтесь от входящего огня, тратьте время, внимание и боеприпасы врага, отвлекайте внимание врага от других дружественных "
1 Man per piece of cover, Move cover to cover. In view of each other to save each other by shooting, distraction, division of enemy attention and ammo. 1 man hit per RPG/tank shell/mortar spread formation full time. Edge of cap zone. Use camouflage, police up each others exposure, no man seen sticking out. Scan aggressively with eyes and ears for anything suspect, even for birds disturbed to fly out of trees
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Re: What happened to all the fun people who use to play this game?

Post by Catmouse »

dcm2 wrote: 2025-01-02 02:39 Where is everybody? Where have all the fun people gone? When I check prspy, nobody I know is on. I cant find anyone on steam either.
Doom and gloom, like the character of many of your other posts.

Not worth much commenting on other than say this:

Quite the contrary, Project Reality is at a local high of quality games and players, with old names coming back and solid server moderation back on track for the EU zone with the new Alliance server. Great games to be had!
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Re: What happened to all the fun people who use to play this game?

Post by dcm2 »

Catmouse wrote: 2025-01-03 22:53
Doom and gloom, like the character of many of your other posts.
Not my fault you make me depressed.

Catmouse wrote: 2025-01-03 22:53
Not worth much commenting on other than say this:

Quite the contrary, Project Reality is at a local high of quality games and players, with old names coming back and solid server moderation back on track for the EU zone with the new Alliance server. Great games to be had!
Even on my alt accounts I dont get good games.
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Re: What happened to all the fun people who use to play this game?

Post by Arab »

No personal attacks. Don't make me give out infractions. Behave.
dcm2 wrote: 2025-01-04 01:56
Catmouse wrote: 2025-01-03 22:53
Doom and gloom, like the character of many of your other posts.
Not my fault you make me depressed.
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Re: What happened to all the fun people who use to play this game?

Post by trannie »

dcm2 wrote: 2025-01-02 02:39 Where is everybody? Where have all the fun people gone? When I check prspy, nobody I know is on. I cant find anyone on steam either. bitlife
Now, if you turn on PR, you will only see servers with poor quality or full of unserious players. Unlike before, people now seem to just come here to relieve stress, not with the same passion as before. PR has lost its essence due to a lack of organization and team spirit. Maybe people have moved on to newer and more interesting games, and PR has quietly faded into oblivion.
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Re: What happened to all the fun people who use to play this game?

Post by Grump/Gump.45 »

trannie wrote: 2025-01-08 01:43
dcm2 wrote: 2025-01-02 02:39 Where is everybody? Where have all the fun people gone? When I check prspy, nobody I know is on. I cant find anyone on steam either. bitlife
Now, if you turn on PR, you will only see servers with poor quality or full of unserious players. Unlike before, people now seem to just come here to relieve stress, not with the same passion as before. PR has lost its essence due to a lack of organization and team spirit. Maybe people have moved on to newer and more interesting games, and PR has quietly faded into oblivion.
Its because YOU have to teach them, players develop themselves or each other at the pace they are learning. Speed up their minds. Many things like this you can say. It takes 30 seconds to explain grazing fire, why to shoot randomly into bushes at the height of a man. You might hit enemy.

Fun players = Smart players. Fun = Michael Bay movie simulation with explosions and action... Not Call of Duty randomness unskilled chaos, only firing when you actually see the enemy available to be shot. Very boring, I like them to feel horror and stuck from suppression.

"1 man per piece of cover/concealmeant, move cover to cover, in view of each other to save each other, 1 man hit per tank shell (RPG, mortar, etc) spread formation. Scan aggressively, be eye level with your cover, your weapon sights and target zone, show no more than your head."

For suppression "Sweep and double sweep deep aimed at the height of a man, sending bullets trajectory as deep as you can, 1 bullet per square inch. Preventative fire, suppression, fire superiority, pre-fire." (1 bullet per square inch with double tap on the sweep back)

"Divide the enemy fire and attention between each other, distract by being seen, firing, using friendly as bait and being bait yourself. Take cover, dodge incoming fire, waste the enemy time, attention and ammo, bring enemy attention away from other friendly"

"1 hombre por pieza de cobertura/ocultamiento, muévase de cobertura en cobertura, a la vista unos de otros para salvarse mutuamente, 1 hombre golpeado por cada proyectil de tanque (RPG, mortero, etc.) en formación extendida. Escanee agresivamente, esté al nivel de los ojos con su cobertura. , las miras de tus armas y la zona objetivo no muestran más que tu cabeza."

Para supresión "Barrido y doble barrido profundo dirigido a la altura de un hombre, enviando la trayectoria de las balas lo más profundo posible, 1 bala por pulgada cuadrada. Fuego preventivo, supresión, superioridad del fuego, pre-fuego". (1 bala por pulgada cuadrada con doble toque en el barrido hacia atrás)

"Dividir el fuego y la atención del enemigo entre sí, distraerse siendo visto, disparando, usando amigos como cebo y siendo cebo usted mismo. Cúbrase, esquive el fuego entrante, haga perder el tiempo, la atención y la munición del enemigo, desvíe la atención del enemigo de otros amigos. "


«один человек на укрытие/маскировку означает, перемещайтесь от укрытия к укрытию, на виду друг у друга, чтобы спасти друг друга, 1 попадание на каждый танковый снаряд (РПГ, миномет и т. д.) разбрасывает строй. Сканируйте агрессивно, будьте на уровне глаз с укрытием». , прицелы вашего оружия и зона прицеливания не показывают ничего, кроме вашей головы».

Для подавления «Размах и двойной проход по глубине, направленный на рост человека, посылая пули по траектории как можно глубже, 1 пуля на квадратный дюйм. Превентивный огонь, подавление, огневое превосходство, предварительный огонь». (1 пуля на квадратный дюйм при двойном постукивании по стреловидности назад)

«Разделяйте огонь и внимание противника между собой, отвлекайте внимание, будучи замеченными, стреляйте, используйте дружественных в качестве приманки и сами будьте приманкой. Укрывайтесь, уклоняйтесь от входящего огня, тратьте время, внимание и боеприпасы врага, отвлекайте внимание врага от других дружественных "
1 Man per piece of cover, Move cover to cover. In view of each other to save each other by shooting, distraction, division of enemy attention and ammo. 1 man hit per RPG/tank shell/mortar spread formation full time. Edge of cap zone. Use camouflage, police up each others exposure, no man seen sticking out. Scan aggressively with eyes and ears for anything suspect, even for birds disturbed to fly out of trees
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Re: What happened to all the fun people who use to play this game?

Post by TalonOneOne »

IVe seen many on... no one seems to want to populate the US servers anymore... they just get on the ESP ones
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Re: What happened to all the fun people who use to play this game?

Post by dcm2 »

Arab wrote: 2025-01-07 04:07 No personal attacks. Don't make me give out infractions. Behave.
Lol ok mr reddit mod.
trannie wrote: 2025-01-08 01:43 Now, if you turn on PR, you will only see servers with poor quality or full of unserious players. Unlike before, people now seem to just come here to relieve stress, not with the same passion as before. PR has lost its essence due to a lack of organization and team spirit. Maybe people have moved on to newer and more interesting games, and PR has quietly faded into oblivion.
I come to relieve stress too. Dont mean I wont work with my team to have a good game. I think that PR is just getting too old now. Mostly because of the graphical fidelity and lack of quality of life features. And the player fatigue which results.

I hate it when good games, lose their best players. For online games, the players are just as much of a draw to the game as the game itself. Back when I still had bf2 and cod4 servers and you could check who was on what server. When certain players came on, the servers filled up. Even on off peak hours. Because some people were just so fun to play with/against.
TalonOneOne wrote: 2025-01-08 14:50 IVe seen many on... no one seems to want to populate the US servers anymore... they just get on the ESP ones
My ping is too high on south american servers. And there's the language barrier.
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Re: What happened to all the fun people who use to play this game?

Post by helen21 »

Ugh, I don't know why no one is online. I thought it was going to be a fun night of gaming but now there's no one. Prspy is like Steam, just strangers or people who don't seem interesting.Block Blast
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Re: What happened to all the fun people who use to play this game?

Post by bad_nade »

Well, I'm still here. I'm not fun, though, and I don't know any of you either 🤷‍♂️ But at least I'm here and I even play every now and then.
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Re: What happened to all the fun people who use to play this game?

Post by waldov »

Game is well over a decade old coming up on two, people change, communities change, life goes on.

Still plenty of fun to be had, still a core of serious English speaking players and a growing community of serious non-english players starting too emerge.

PR is simply not a fun game if you don't decide to use some level of team work and tactics. The "casual" "un-serious" players weed themselves out eventually, I've seen if for myself with the Spanish speaking community, which is miles ahead of its infamous reputation it had in the past. Some of the better Asset and even infantry players from ESP communities can very well go head to head with some of the established "old timer" English speaking players. Once unthinkable.

The demographic and player base of PR is shifting, but the core of the game remains the same. White English speaking dudes see a server where everyone isn't fluent in English and their buddies from 15 years ago aren't still online and start saying silly things like "PR is dead" for the 10th year in a row, and so on. And so it will continue to be. Meanwhile people from all corners of the world will continue to play and have fun.
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