
Suggestions from our community members for PR:BF2. Read the stickies before posting.
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Posts: 5
Joined: 2020-09-19 09:39


Post by Alpha_TN »

Make it more advanced

As time passes by, new ideas come in (concerning making content for PR), but a lot of us have faced difficulties nailing a cinematic ambiance to their edits due to the BattleRecording system being very "limited", as it only supports Play/Pause, Play Speed, & Freelook being "tweaky".

A simple (not in terms of coding) fix for this issue is adding the following:
  • A keyframe selector (mainly to mark important events in the round being watched)
  • A "Youtube style" time slide, tired of waiting ages for a single frame (even on 300% speed it takes time)
  • Better Freelook system (similar to prbot3 but more functional :[+full speed control for example])
  • IDK if this is possible, ability to change POV during replay (seeing a player's POV)
I Hope this is put into consideration. If you have more ideas, please tell me :D
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