- Reduced FOB count per team to 3
- Fixed python error message when removing a FOB that was never built (error did not affect anything during play tests)
- Fixed requiring distance between multiple TOWs/AAs on a single FOB. You can now place 2 per FOB, period. No more minimum distance requirement.
My first thoughts after having the fortune to play a full round of CnC on a full server yesterday.
It could be the novelty factor but I'd prefer to play CnC over AAS at this point, such a breath of fresh air into an old game. Its plays like AAS-plus imo, requiring far, far more teamwork and coordination on all levels. Squad leader chat can't afford to be crickets in this gameode, the team that can work together the best will win, Period.
To keep it simple heres my list of pros/cons from my limited experience thus far:
-"Cache like" system worked great at keeping the objectives for the team clear and concise, giving the battle plenty of cohesion/focal points for action.
-Notifications did a great job keeping us engaged in the ever changing dynamics of the battle in what makes for an incredibly fluid gamemode.
-Multiple FOB's hit the perfect goldilocks zone of not too many, not too few. Teams have more freedom to play around with aggressive/defensive/sneaky FOBs, and players always have a way into the battle no getting "locked out".
-the gamemode puts nearly the whole map into play from the get go, the battle positions constantly shifted across the map. No chokepoints or stalemates to be had, teams had to play on their feet very much.
-The constant bleeding indication was very confusing and misleading. I actually assumed my team was losing the whole round till the moment we won.
Some kind of sliding scale to indicate which team is winning and too which extent would be a great addition. Knowing your team is winning on FOB placement/ticket bleed ratio could change how you decide to play drastically and vice versa.
Otherwise the assumption is that you need to constantly be on the offense, which might be unnecessary/not the right move.
-Tickets could've probably been higher, it ended up being a very short round even though we didnt win by a particularly wide margin(Silent Eagle CnC for the record)
-Some kind of (drop down?) info box addition to the map screen would've been very beneficial to getting players onboard with the gamemode. Fortunately we had a very helpful admin giving server notifications and reminders explaining the general rules. But without that (and even with that) many players were left unsure how to proceed as the gamemode doesn't quite follow the simple intuitive style of AAS.
Besides that I can't really fault it. This gamemode is a definite winner in my books, now its upto the community (that is very much stuck in their ways) to embrace the change. I really hope to see more of this gamemode in rotation and on new maps going forward. I can't think of many maps that wouldn't play well with CnC, even plenty of smaller maps and historical maps would play well with it.
The core is solid, Besides some additions to the explanations and clarifications around the gamemmode in game, I think the ball is in the communities park now.
Thank you for the feedback. The bleeding needs to be communicated better, I agree. But unfortunately that can not be done without client changes. As such this can not be tested yet. The idea is to use the cap-bar to show who is bleeding stronger right now (you or the enemy)
CAS_ual_TY wrote: 2025-01-22 10:21
Thank you for the feedback. The bleeding needs to be communicated better, I agree. But unfortunately that can not be done without client changes. As such this can not be tested yet.
Would a system like Flag Caps to indicate which side has more "control" of the map and to what extent be feasible? Barring that, even only showing/animating ticket bleed when your team is the one with the unfavorable ratio of FOB's/proximity of FOB's would be a nice placeholder.
You have replied while I was editing my post to be more specific.
Yes, I indeed plan on using flag-caps to show who is bleeding stronger at any point in time. But for this I need to essentially spawn a "fake flag" into the map which requires an edit of the map itself (client changes required). So I can not do that as of now.