Quality of Life suggestions

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Quality of Life suggestions

Post by Crylink »

1 - Red rally marker -> LZ marker
Change the current red circle you can mark as enemy rally points to the text "LZ".
you have more chances winning the lottery than seeing an enemy rally point.

This change will ease coordination between Trans and INF squads.

2 - Add sounds to wounded(incapacitated) soldiers
Instead of having to scream medic on local voip for 3 minutes(which annoys people greatly)
add the breathing sound to revivable wounded soldiers to mitigate the need to scream on local "medic medic medic medic medic".

this could get annoying if there are multiple wounded at the same spot so I further suggest to lower the volume of the breathing to help with that, that also helps distinguish between 2 wounded soldiers at the same area if one is incapacitated and the other isnt.

3 - Show next map on PR-SPY
Ever seen the server you enjoy playing in on a map you dislike?
Well the addition of showing which map is due to be next on PRSPY will be useful for those people who have long loading times and dont want to spend 5 minutes joining the server only to find out the next map is not to their liking.

4 - Repair station rearms smoke launchers on vehicles
Having to RTB ONLY for smoke launchers in tanks is annoying and if repairs stations rearmed them it wouldnt be as game breaking as rearming the whole tank ammo.

Unrelated to QOL
5 - add deviation when suppressed to encourage suppression gameplay.
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Re: Quality of Life suggestions

Post by Mats391 »

1. Expanding the marker system is something we are considering, but right now no one is working on it actively. You can always have a go at it yourself, e.g. by designing icons, changing the UI or implementing the code.
That being said, to me a LZ marker would be one of the less important ones. I have no issues coordinating with pilots and if they drop in wrong location it usually is not due to lack of communication, but pilot errors.

2. If we add a sound, it would likely not be able to differentiate between wounded and dead-dead. E.g. right now there already exists a bug where the low HP sound continues to play while wounded and it continues even when going dead-dead.

3. This is already an option that servers do not use.

4. Selective rearming like that is not possible right now.

5. Maybe, but we have other plans for suppression first.

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Re: Quality of Life suggestions

Post by Crylink »

6 - Add rearm/repair complete sound
example : When standing by a crate rearming your ammo box, play a sound when the ammo box is rearmed
example1:When repairing a vehicle in main, play a sound when the repair is complete.
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Re: Quality of Life suggestions

Post by cabalistik »

Definitely agree with #1. Even if you do see a rally point, then why would you mark it if you can just disable it by coming close to it. If it is far away then just put a infantry mark somewhere close to it. LZ mark on the other hand would be super useful.
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Re: Quality of Life suggestions

Post by VTRaptor »

I've been dropped to a wrong grid too many times already, so I use the rally marker for heli LZ/crate drop. It helps inexperienced pilots who on top of that do not get a marker from their SL. It also gives much clarity that sometimes is lost to miscommunication/lack thereof.

The existing "requesting supplies" mark could be made to appear on SL marker too.
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Re: Quality of Life suggestions

Post by Grump/Gump.45 »

Crylink wrote:\
Unrelated to QOL
5 - add deviation when suppressed to encourage suppression gameplay.

This is my favorite suggestion here. So many times I am shooting at somebody that would naturally be flinching from bullet fragmentation and impact surface spall.

You got FIBS factor and FIBSA factor. "Fudge I've Been Shot" or "Fudge I'm Being Shot At". Those 2 reactions play in combative scenarios.

Too often they sit there aiming perfectly even while actively getting hit, bullets impacting near or bullets flying by. Only while aimed down sights or scope should suppression effect the deviation, as we can't see hip fire deviation anyways.

In order it should go "Getting hit---> At or near 80%-100% Maximum Deviation... Bullets impacting near ---> 20%-80% Deviation at 1-5 meters.... Bullets flying by with no nearby impact ---> Deviation no more than 20%." With corresponding reset speeds.

Bleeding out should cause increased deviation relevant to amount of health. 99% health should be 99% deviation.

Imagine having broken bones and bullet wounds while trying to fire a rifle or machine gun.
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Re: Quality of Life suggestions

Post by Danesh_italiano »

For those wanting more deviation/suppression, just go play Squad????!
I only know that I know nothing. Só sei que nada sei. Sólo sé que no sé nada. So solo di non sapere nulla. Tantum scio me nihil scire. Je sais seulement que je ne sais rien. Tiedän vain, etten tiedä mitään. Ich weiss nur dass ich nichts weiss. Ek weet net dat ek niks weet nie. Wiem tylko, ?e nic nie wiem. Heoi ko ahau anake e mohio ana kahore au e mohio. Ngiyazi kuphela ukuthi angazi lutho.
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Re: Quality of Life suggestions

Post by dcm1 »

No suppression, no more deviation! I'm sick of missing my rightful shots as it is! I do not want to go back to PR .7 gun mechanics. Where you could not hit the broad side of a barn, inside the barn.

But if I may make a suggestion. I would love for more types of vehicles to drop field repairs. Such as; transport choppers(all types), and FSA logistics vans.
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Re: Quality of Life suggestions

Post by Grump/Gump.45 »

Deviation is kind of janky. I wish it was synced up relevant to weapon sway or the direction body is turning, especially firing from the hip.

With iron sights I have very little issue with the cone of fire. When scoped in, when I am missing, I use what I call "shot determination" to compensate. The deviation is very cone like, bullet can hit anywhere in the circle, so I hit left, middle and right of the scope reticule. Shooting harder and faster.

First guy to get a shot on target ALMOST always wins. It would be harder to animate a body jolting from getting hit in first person view, but from the 3rd person view point I see people jolt back.

A man can withstand bullets flying past, its down to individual level of fear physical reactions that would make his shooting stance unstable. Starting with heart rate and the flinch of having rounds fly right past you. No more than 10%-20% deviation, if any at all. Hardest to do because coding deviation reaction to bullets snapping close by an invisible sphere field around the body to detect it, then increasing deviation depending on how close it snapped by.

The second is bullets impacting nearby, the suppression blur is the eyes squinting to protect from bullet fragments and spalling of surfaces. Mostly if its to your side or if you are facing the impact. You can't see well through the blur anyways. Easier to do, make suppression blur to reflect upon deviation depending how close the round impacted, but would require similar detection sphere around the body. But there is actual blur feedback to match it to.

There should be a slight deviation penalty for each shot impacting close to you. Example: In an apartment room, looking out at one angle, bullet flies into the room. You would either flinch to bail away or move to get a view on the bullets trajectory source. Either way you flinch, then move your body.

Easiest to do, make deviation reflect health percentage, plus the existing decreasing bullet damage over distance, then even more advanced make the bodies deviation jolt reflect caliber you were shot with.

A .303 or 7.62x54mmR has you at 90-99% health anyways if you survive, depending on distance

Then last, getting hit with a bullet. You have the actual impact knocking you. You have the bleeding out which IRL would be due to loss of blood flow and oxygen to the brain. Lightheadedness, fading vision, cold from blood loss, shaking, shock and weird intoxicated thoughts (I had an episode of Vasovagal Syncope earlier this year, experienced fading vision).

Its hard to fight through this, aside from fading vision or suppression blur, incoming bullets should affect deviation. This would lead to problems with any shooting stance once bleeding, on top of the bodies structural damage pains.

People sit there bleeding out, killing at distance as if nothing is wrong with them. People sit there shooting like bullets aren't impacting close, in a 50% chance of death situation on both sides seeing who can shoot who first. This would encourage going for the medic more as well as bailing away from gunfire on corners.
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Re: Quality of Life suggestions

Post by Frontliner »

dcm1 wrote:No suppression, no more deviation! I'm sick of missing my rightful shots as it is! I do not want to go back to PR .7 gun mechanics. Where you could not hit the broad side of a barn, inside the barn.
Haven't checked in with the team in a while but I do not believe of the current members to be willing to go back to these times whatsoever.
If anything I personally believe aggression to be a tad too powerful at the moment, but then again I also believe a good defense having to incorporate movement as well. Both offensive and defensive
dcm1 wrote:But if I may make a suggestion. I would love for more types of vehicles to drop field repairs. Such as; transport choppers(all types), and FSA logistics vans.
Wouldn't be the first time this has been discussed, general sentiment was that chopper repairs would invalidate Logi truck ones entirely. So it's more like a restriction for gameplay's sake rather than people being unwilling. A solution would be to give choppers repair stations but only making them last for a few moments; enough to guarantee tracks/guns being repaired. Or to make their repair stations work much less quickly so that it helps against the effects of getting tracked but not remotely viable enough to have a crew repair back to full with any kind of confidence. Would alleviate a number of issues with tracked vehicles imo, and also help in keeping Logis at least somewhat relevant.
Piece of Advice: Rather than just having this be a footnote in a random thread with nobody really paying attention to it, pick this up where I left off, think about other pros/cons and what else this may be affected by alterations, and then create a new thread for it.

As for the FSA, the T-62 is the only true benefactor, but that one cannot - afaik - be disabled. Anything else the FSA usually has access to shares similar fates due to being much too fragile; sole exception is the BMP-1 (and 2?), imo.
VTRaptor: but i only stopped for less than 10 secs and that fucking awesome dude put 2 of them

]CIA[ SwampFox: well my definition of glitching is using an enemy kit to kill the enemy

Just_Dave: i have a list about PR players, and they r categorized by their skill

Para: You sir are an arse and not what the game or our community needs.

AlonTavor: Is that a German trying to make me concentrate?

Heavy Death: join PRTA instead - Teamwork is a must there.
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Re: Quality of Life suggestions

Post by dcm1 »


Bro. The deviation can get so bad, that even in offline co-op mode. I see my bullets dance around the target. I believe that the the inaccuracy penalties for even moving your mouse just a little needs to be addressed.

There are places where a logi cant reach. Only a chopper can. Still though, logi vans need to be able to drop repairs. I dont care how 'unrealistic' it is. Better yet, there needs to be some other alternate form of field repair that can unfuck a vehicle just enough to rtb. No, not the combat engy. Maybe, I dunno give the crewman a special type of wrench that can fix vehicles just enough to untrack them, but cant do shit if it's burning? Just throwing it out there.
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Re: Quality of Life suggestions

Post by Gr0Mk »

What if logistic trucks could bring some vehicle ammo, let's say few tank rounds, some kind of specific container, which shares ammo capacity with suply crates?
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Re: Quality of Life suggestions

Post by Grump/Gump.45 »

Bringing it all together here. These things will make game more realistic and eventful. Other games will get feature jealous.

-Tanks accept ammo bags through top hatch, like how boat can be re-armed by ammo bags

-Tanks accept grenades through the top hatch to kill crew(for all the times I jumped on top of enemy tank)

-Improved Napalm burn time(Napalm B 10 minutes) and in-game effects, improved stickiness including to bodies, black smoke concealment plus fire concealment, more M67 zippo and maybe M2 flamethrowers available, at least one night map with it (get the other games feature jealous/make trailers)

-Drag crates(2 men for large crates, 1 man for light crates)

-Switch from civilian shotgun instant arrest from health removal to stamina removal for arrest assist (No more overpowered lone wolfing breachers mowing down civilians or squads with a breacher taking away need for everyone else cuffs and taking away civilian rock throwers ability to crowd up to make rocks more effective)

-Fast ropes for mountainous maps

-Small arms weapon sight zeroing over distance

-Buildable repair station for FOBs and re-supply with enough crates

-Buildable commander UAV tent for defense flags or mortar squad (it gets lonely in main base as commander, also could have 2nd UAV seat for a SL to come to command tent and be shown something by commander)

-Allow dragging for everyone of bodies for friendly, enemy, crates. Right mouse button on the knife, under a selector switch indicator (D) for drag for bayonets fixed. Which as I suggest below should allow us switch to our rates of fire to shoot with RMB while bayonet is fixed. (Big crate 2 men, 1st who grabs is crate "driver"/guider, 1 man for the lighter crates)

-Flipping light vehicles with enough people using drag. Seen about 20 people flip a bus, so transports and logi trucks are on the table for that. Improve civilian riot realism.

-Let us shoot while bayonet is fixed on right mouse button. Make the 1 key binded like rate of fire selector switch. Going from (D) Drag, to (1) semi-auto, (A)Automatic, (3) burst.

Easier said than done. You can do it.
Last edited by Grump/Gump.45 on 2024-02-12 08:23, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Quality of Life suggestions

Post by Grump/Gump.45 »

Further increase on Napalm burn time. If its a performance cost, make it cost as much performance as smoke does, but producing thicker black smoke. Good for escaping.

Still need shotgun to not instant arrest civilians, just remove their stamina so we can actually make use of the rocks as a crowd being human shields for a roadblock and the cache area. Chucking up a storm of rocks as a crowd, but even more than that.

So much tactical potential for civilians to be used more, plus it will retain new players, bring back old players, make for interesting footage, be a bigger civilian distraction for the BLUFOR, a frustratingly dangerous human shield trap, it will slow the pace and make insurgency more enjoyable.

I can hear it now, full BLUFOR squad comes around the corner, got 10 civilians infront of a roadblock, the wolf whistling at each other from both sides.

Could be done right, BLUFOR trying to make an arrest out of that or could have some nutjob in the squad with the machine gun start mowing civilians down commiting war crimes right away.

The BLUFOR getting realistically cocky out in the open once they see civilians. Then somebody starts shooting, BLUFOR scatters. Then the ROE reality kicks in. Weapons in the civilian crowd if they start moving close.

With the right tactics, civilians with kits laying around could potentially defend an entire weapons cache.

With this many civilians, which there will be more because 1.) more will be willing to with the shotgun change 2.) all arrests will be hands on 3.) 1 cache will be spawnable clustering them in one area 4.) any armed insurgent can intermix with this confusion

It will make for more realistic insurgency overall.

This will change the entire dynamic of insurgency, a whole new activity we can do for both sides plus the way they have to arrest a crowd, stamina removal with the shotgun. Its just more fair and realistic.

There is certain troll personalities, lazy in the mind, all about what they want, rushing to get the breacher kit, lone wolfing to ninja caches, always looking for the easy way out like distance arresting popping up out of nowhere. Its such an unfair angering thing against a weak civilian, the frustration of this leading to a 2 minute respawn timer even though you have the perfect trap set up to save you.

They shouldn't be allowed to ninja arrest at a distance with shotgun. They should need to put work in for that arrest, hands on with the cuffs. This type of lone wolfing BLUFOR breacher should be tactically punished for lonewolfing if they shotgun a civilian removing his stamina and walking into a trap like he was going to make an easy arrest, like it was all sweet.

This will give time for a civilian to scamper away with 0 stamina desperately jumping away from somebody sprinting at them with cuffs or being used as bait for an armed insurgent to save them as a reward for using teamwork.

This change, will actually reward teamwork, its more fair, more realistic less lethal shotgun effect as intended, more realistic tactics required to arrest civilians meaning all cuffs are hands on arrests.

No more overpowered lone wolfing breachers mowing down crowded up mentally slow civilians with no tactics, which is natural realism. 1 arrest per cuff.

No more full squads moving with a breacher as the game intended, but unfairly mowing down civilians at a distance instant arresting them make the squad not need to use their cuffs, potentially ruining a perfectly set humorous and tactical trap involving trickery into armed insurgent, victim activated IEDs, trip wires, cell phone activated IEDs, car bombs, drawing them into an alley with no escape to run BLUFOR over with big red semi trailer truck, dump trucks, other civilian vehicles, .50 cal techis. Civilian running into an IED if about to be arrested getting the BLUFOR, civilian running away to get a weapon. Civilian covered by sniper using them as bait. Civilians standing in between a sapper placing mines.

Civilians can be a truely dreaded enemy, you see them and just know there is trouble that will mess with your head. All you need to do, is make shotguns not instant arrest civilians and remove their stamina. Fairness, realism, tactical creativity, player retenion. So many benefits.
Last edited by Grump/Gump.45 on 2024-09-01 00:19, edited 1 time in total.
1 Man per piece of cover, Move cover to cover. In view of each other to save each other by shooting, distraction, division of enemy attention and ammo. 1 man hit per RPG/tank shell/mortar spread formation full time. Edge of cap zone. Use camouflage, police up each others exposure, no man seen sticking out. Scan aggressively with eyes and ears for anything suspect, even for birds disturbed to fly out of trees
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Re: Quality of Life suggestions

Post by Grump/Gump.45 »

Red head rag for insurgent kits... Remove it.. It looks too obvious from far away when you ideally should only show your head to shoot in this game.
1 Man per piece of cover, Move cover to cover. In view of each other to save each other by shooting, distraction, division of enemy attention and ammo. 1 man hit per RPG/tank shell/mortar spread formation full time. Edge of cap zone. Use camouflage, police up each others exposure, no man seen sticking out. Scan aggressively with eyes and ears for anything suspect, even for birds disturbed to fly out of trees
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Re: Quality of Life suggestions

Post by Grump/Gump.45 »

The HK416F is the new standard-issue rifle of the French Armed Forces. It was selected in 2016 to replace the FAMAS.

GET RID OF THE FAMAS... Even in the game, completely inaccurate, dumb French scopes... Why have a 5.56 20 round magazine against Russian AKs?

Its almost like the people choosing the standard issue weapons were not intended to be the ones using it. Asthetic modern look over functionality in their mind... I hate the FAMAS in game. Just mag dumped on a Russian AR from 10 meters away and died, had to pull out pistol...
1 Man per piece of cover, Move cover to cover. In view of each other to save each other by shooting, distraction, division of enemy attention and ammo. 1 man hit per RPG/tank shell/mortar spread formation full time. Edge of cap zone. Use camouflage, police up each others exposure, no man seen sticking out. Scan aggressively with eyes and ears for anything suspect, even for birds disturbed to fly out of trees
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Re: Quality of Life suggestions

Post by camo »

Grump/Gump.45 wrote: 2025-01-14 18:20 The HK416F is the new standard-issue rifle of the French Armed Forces. It was selected in 2016 to replace the FAMAS.

GET RID OF THE FAMAS... Even in the game, completely inaccurate, dumb French scopes... Why have a 5.56 20 round magazine against Russian AKs?

Its almost like the people choosing the standard issue weapons were not intended to be the ones using it. Asthetic modern look over functionality in their mind... I hate the FAMAS in game. Just mag dumped on a Russian AR from 10 meters away and died, had to pull out pistol...
PR's timeline is set before France adopted the hk416. FAMAS will stay.
(its a 25 round mag it isn't that bad)
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