GuilFe (Tester application)

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PR:BF2 QA Tester
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Joined: 2021-03-03 12:33
Location: Brazil

GuilFe (Tester application)

Post by GuilFe »

What is your in-game nick?
GuilFe (SPTS GuilFe with the tag)

How long have you been playing Project Reality?
On the 31st, it will be 4 years.

Do you have any previous testing experience?
A little.

What is your timezone?

When would you be available for testing?
Usually at night on weekdays. On weekends, it could be the whole day.

What is your Discord username (do not confuse with display name)

Why do you want to be a PR tester? What is the driving force behind your application?
When I improved the game's Brazilian Portuguese localization, I became curious and interested in what it would be like to be a PR tester. I have a strong interest in contributing as much as possible to the game, the community, and, of course, helping the developers. I’m open to learning.
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Re: GuilFe (Tester application)

Post by Suchar »

Hello, thank you for your application!

The application is currently being reviewed. You will receive further instructions in a private message soon™.

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