Role on AJAX

Suggestions from our community members for PR:BF2. Read the stickies before posting.
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Joined: 2017-06-29 14:08

Role on AJAX

Post by Anglo_ »

Obviously im not a dev but and cant expect it to magic into the game. But the UK finally just got its AJAX vehicles. So seeing the UK get a reputable APC would be good because asset whores sway the map vote and UK faction map gets sidelined because basically the warrior is awful. Giving the British a high caliber 40mm with a decent RPM would change the game.
PR:BF2 Developer
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Re: Role on AJAX

Post by camo »

We don't plan on adding the AJAX, its outside of our timeframe for the modern PR factions.
Posts: 29
Joined: 2017-06-29 14:08

Re: Role on AJAX

Post by Anglo_ »

What if I said please
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