manpad tracking issues

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manpad tracking issues

Post by theDaarkness »

I have no idea if its just me but lately the manpad kits both the strela and stinger appear to have issues tracking much of anything let alone like tracking on the target but it wont even track on a flare. the majority of the time the missile will fire and just fire as if i had never locked on to anything.Now this could just be lag but even then like it doesnt seem to matter if i wait slightly longer to fire when locked or not. Additionally missiles that do dumb fire and end up close to target don't even detonate even within feet of the target. are they not supposed to go off proximity as well? At any rate if something was changed with AA or broken with it would be nice if it could get looked at i know previously there had been issues with the stormer starstreak missiles having issues but i wasnt aware if anything had flowed over to the manpad kits or not.
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